Lunar qualities of Chokmah?
The Father Chokmah is associated with the root of fire.
Has anything ever been written to suggest that there is a hidden lunar aspect to Chokmah in terms of how it reflects the perfection of Kether but distorts it - a distortion that is passed on as active “wisdom” to impregnate the understanding of Binah? For example would the mapping of Higher Mercury to Chokmah indicate a lunar quality to this sephiroth?
Just to clarify, I realize this questions sounds strange, but it's based on a historical hypothesis of the origins of the Yahweh cult. If there is any validity to ascribing a lunar quality to Chokmah, I suspect it would be found in the oldest Kabbalistic sources.
Thanks for any feedback.
Sure! Chokmah = 73 = Gimel, and 2 is the number of the High Priestess. Chokmah or Wisdom is personified as a woman in Jewish literature, as is Sophia in Greek and Sapientia in Latin. PF Case explicitly associates Chokmah with the High Priestess in the Book or Tokens and elsewhere.
The article on "Wisdom" in The Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible has a lot on this. "Wisdom, sometimes in scholarly literature referred to as 'Lady Wisdom' or 'Woman Wisdom' is the name of a biblical goddess." This goes on for several pages. While there's no particular reference to the moon per se, the similarity of Lady Wisdom to Thoth, also a lunar god, is striking. Maybe you can find the book in your local library.
change is stability and stability change (2=9)
change is stability (9=2)
My question is a follow-up to a post made some time ago. I was researching why Ankh-f-na-Khonsu addresses an ancient Egyptian lunar deity called Iah/Yah in the Stele of Revealing, calling him “O Unique One”. Edward Mason noted the odd coincidence between Yah and the Assiah Divine name for Chokmah, whose element is fire. This suggested a strange connection between this Egyptian lunar deity and the origins of the Hebrew Yah-weh cult (for example, in the contest between the prophet Elijah and priests of Baal, the supremacy of Yahweh over Baal is manifested through the element of fire, which descends from heaven to consume the water-soaked wood on which the sacrifice is placed). My intuition was that the Egyptian Iah/Yah became adopted by the Israelite slaves in Egypt, which then became the origins of the Yahweh cult after the Exodus.
I put out a query to a friend at the Biblical Archeological Society and he sent back a link confirming this hypothesis and suggesting the origins of the Hebrew religion lay in a lunar cult:
If Chokmah was once being a lunar deity, this would suggest at the oldest origins of Kabbalah, the concept of Kether was once associated with the Sun. This would conform to the Egyptian conception of Ra as the supreme being and Unity. This would suggest that only later, in keeping with the divine mandate that “thou shalt have no other gods before me”, of separation from Egypt and, centuries later, through study of the Torah and ever-deeper exploration of the inner planes, the Sun became associated with Tiphareth and Kether became as conceived of today.