The Order of Operations
As I have made inference to in another thread, I have been studying Liber Stellae Rubae.
At the initiation of the ritual there is a call to perform the "ritual of the Seal" which most agree is that of the Hexagram.
Having never performed the ritual, I thought it prudent to start practicing it therby integrateing it into my normal routine.
Usually, after prelimenary establishment of the Law and Cardinality, I perform the LBRP followed by the LIRP.
My question is in regards to at what point should I perform the Hexagram? I was going to begin by performing the Banishing version and grow comfortable with its performance before moving onto invoking. So, I am thinking the progression should be as so: LBRP -> LBRH -> LIRP. Would that be considered the proper method or should I perform it in the order of LBRP -> LIRP -> LBRH?
Another question arose after reading about the Hexagram ritual in 776 1/2, where Jim mentions it is suggested to First Order members of the Temple to replace the analysis of the Keyword with the Qabalistic Cross. Do I understand this suggestion when proposeing the ritual as follows ?
Qabalistic Cross -> Drawing/Chargeing of Hexagrams -> Qabalistic CrossOr is one simply removing the intial piece ( the "breaking down" of INRI) but still making the appropriete signs of Osiris/Isis/Apophis?
@Uni_Verse said
"Would that be considered the proper method or should I perform it in the order of LBRP -> LIRP -> LBRH?"
General answers before specifics...
As a preliminary to a larger work (involving planetary energies in particular), one would begin with LBRP then LBRH. One would then (at the appropriate time in the larger work) invoke by whatever means is appropriate. (If it's a planetary working that required banishing by the Hexagram, then usually the invoking would also be by the Hexagram - there are few situations that would call for an invoking Pentagram ritual after banishing by P & H.)
"Another question arose after reading about the Hexagram ritual in 776 1/2, where Jim mentions it is suggested to First Order members of the Temple to replace the analysis of the Keyword with the Qabalistic Cross. Do I understand this suggestion when proposeing the ritual as follows ? Qabalistic Cross -> Drawing/Chargeing of Hexagrams -> Qabalistic Cross"
Yes. Again, that is especially when one has a particular purpose - the need to invoke a particular planetary energy for a particular working, for example. That's usually the only situation in which a First Order member would have need to do the Hexagram Ritual.
"Or is one simply removing the intial piece ( the "breaking down" of INRI) but still making the appropriete signs of Osiris/Isis/Apophis?"
No. It is intended to specifically avoid that. Remember, that section in 776 1/2 is intended to address the question that the Osirian formula wrapping the traditional Hexagram Ritual is substantially defunct, and you don't yet have access to the new form of it. So, one of several solutions provided is to junk it altogether and use the Qab. Cross instead.
PS - To go back to your first line: It seems that Liber Stellae Rubeae is equating the Pentagram specifically to banishing and the Hexagram specifically to invoking. It doesn't speak of a banishing Hexagram at all. Note that one interpretation of this is to follow the pattern set in the "Thelemicized" variations: That is, the Star Ruby is only a banishing form (there is no invoking Star Ruby), and the Star Sapphire is only an invoking form (there is no banishing Star Sapphire). Going back to the classic rituals, the Pentagram and Hexagram could be merged in the following sequence: LBRP but excluding the final Qab. Cross (end with the archangels etc.); then (without further preamble since you've already done the initial Qab. Cross) draw and charge the Hexagrams; then, depending on the formula you're working, close either with the Qab. Cross or whatever form of the Analysis of the Keyword you're using.
First off, thank you Jim for your clarifications.
@Jim Eshelman said
PS - To go back to your first line: It seems that Liber Stellae Rubeae is equating the Pentagram specifically to banishing and the Hexagram specifically to invoking. It doesn't speak of a banishing Hexagram at all.
"I am aware that Stellae Rubeae calls for the Hexagram ritual to be invoking. As I stated earlier, I do not have any experieince with the Hexagram ritual in general, so I thought it best to practice the banishing form first, outside of the context of Stellae Rubeae.
I am looking at the order this way...
Qabalistic Cross -> Draw/Charge Pentegrams (Banishing) -> Evoke Archangels -> Draw/Charge Hexagrams (Banishing) -> Draw/Charge Penetrgrams (Invoking ) -> Evoke Archangels -> Qabalistic Cross -
I've been following this thread and I am curious to know what the general aim of this ritual is.
Many many many thanks Danica.