Odd results following daily banishing
93 all.
I've noticed that I seem to become irritable after banishing, and that it's fairly consistent. What's weird though is that i act in an irritable way, tending to get roadrage much more readily and get annoyed with people much more frequently, but i "feel" like my mood is balanced and peaceful all throughout. Anyone have any ideas?
I do banish in the morning and the afternoon or evening, and I know that I may initiate the morning banishing just before I begin to wake up and get my typical irritable grogginess, so it may not be related to the banishing.
I have no explanation for the afternoon/evening banishing, although the irritability is less consistent there. Also, my irritability isn't consistent on mornings where I don't banish.
All thoughts are appreciated, and thank you.
I wonder if you are "clearing your space" correctly, and then going "out into the world" with some type of unconscious expectation that it would also be banished of all things negative. Upon being presented with opposing forces which weren't there (in your clear space) before, you grow angry at your lack of complete control which manifests into the irritable behavior.
I wonder if before setting out from your house, and after banishing, you couldn't do a further ritual to prepare you for the day's challenges - something to get you out of the "I have power over my environment (mind?)" mindset that the banishing ritual has the ability to produce at times, and into the "how splendid is the adventure" mindset that may lead to a less irritable conclusion.
Just a random thought.
@Ash said
"I've noticed that I seem to become irritable after banishing"
It may be a mundane matter. Then again, there is the outside chance that it means the act is moving you close to the edge of genuine growth and true advancement.
If so, there will be nearly insurmountable obstacles thrown in your Path to prevent further progress.
Buena suerte hombre, y vaya con Dios.
@Ash said
"93 all.
I've noticed that I seem to become irritable after banishing, and that it's fairly consistent. What's weird though is that i act in an irritable way, tending to get roadrage much more readily and get annoyed with people much more frequently, but i "feel" like my mood is balanced and peaceful all throughout. Anyone have any ideas?"
Do you close the Pentagrams correctly?
@Ash said
""nearly insurmountable" obstacles, and why would/should I expect them?"
Because basically all growth
that issues even a whisper
in Eternity
will invite such -
@Ash said
"93 all.
I've noticed that I seem to become irritable after banishing, and that it's fairly consistent. What's weird though is that i act in an irritable way, tending to get roadrage much more readily and get annoyed with people much more frequently, but i "feel" like my mood is balanced and peaceful all throughout. Anyone have any ideas?
I do banish in the morning and the afternoon or evening, and I know that I may initiate the morning banishing just before I begin to wake up and get my typical irritable grogginess, so it may not be related to the banishing.
I have no explanation for the afternoon/evening banishing, although the irritability is less consistent there. Also, my irritability isn't consistent on mornings where I don't banish.
All thoughts are appreciated, and thank you."
I've had similar experiences when carrying out a regular banishing regime. The way I've come to understand it, as more subtle energies start to flow through you, along with the "sharpening" of your aura, there is a subtle intensification that occurs. Subtle energy acts upon more gross energy so basically you're stirring up a [censored] storm. You may start to react more sharply and instinctively to external stimuli/others. You may notice that others are paying more attention to you and reacting more strongly.
As I understand it, banishing/invokings in and of themselves do not necessarily make the practitioner more pure or righteous. What they do is introduce the influx of higher energies into the person's aura so that everything becomes more intense. It's like turning the electric switch ON. Any imbalances or unresolved areas become magnified and come to light. How you deal with those experiences and change yourself determine your character.
I'm sure Jim can give a better explanation.