ToT Middle Pillar
I notice that the Middle Pillar Ritual given in 776 1/2 replaces Regardie's version of YHVH ALOAH ve-DAATH with IAO at Tiphareth. What was the logic behind this substitution?
IAO, besides being a solar Divine Name in its own right, is the notariqon of IHVH ALVH VDOTh. It also vibrates way better
BTW this isn't the Temple of Thelema version of this ritual, which is quite different (and confidential).
"I notice that the Middle Pillar Ritual given in 776 1/2 replaces Regardie's version of YHVH ALOAH ve-DAATH with IAO at Tiphareth. What was the logic behind this substitution?
I notice that the Middle Pillar Ritual given in 776 1/2 replaces Regardie's version of YHVH ALOAH ve-DAATH with IAO at Tiphareth. What was the logic behind this substitution? "Actually, Regardie also suggests this variation. (no source materaial with me to quote from, though)
I also agree with Jim in that it is very powerful to vibrate. (cf. Liber XV; and, as FIAOF, in Liber V vel Reguli, etc.)
Thanks for clarification.
@Jim Eshelman said
"IAO, besides being a solar Divine Name in its own right, is the notariqon of IHVH ALVH VDOTh. It also vibrates way better
BTW this isn't the Temple of Thelema version of this ritual, which is quite different (and confidential)."
How exactly do you vibrate IAO? I've never tried to vibrate before.
@Alias55A said
"How exactly do you vibrate IAO? I've never tried to vibrate before."
@Jim Eshelman said
@Alias55A said
"How exactly do you vibrate IAO? I've never tried to vibrate before."Eeeeee-Ahhhhh-Ohhhhh"
Ohhhhhhhh! ok gotcha
I love that song. Old McDonald had a farm, eeeeee ahhhhh eeeee ahhhhh ohhhhh! hehe.