"wiping" objects
In Book IV, AC stated that Air was for banishing, Water for purifying, and Fire for consecrating (and Earth for desecrating?).
I wish to wipe certain objects of all subconscious crap attached to them, then nothing else (I.e. No plan to consecrate them.)
I want to perform the generic LBRP, then an LIRP invoking Air, which I will use to "wipe" the object down, then an LBRP banishing Air.
Does this sound reasonable? Any advice?
An old Franz Bardon technique is to hold the object under cold running water visualizing all the astral gunk washing away.
@Ash said
"I wish to wipe certain objects of all subconscious crap attached to them, then nothing else (I.e. No plan to consecrate them.)
.... Any advice?"LBRP alone, with proper Will 'given' before the ritual, can do the work.
aside from this, I think (psycho)analyzing the attachments for this objects - before the ritual 'wiping' - is a good thing to do. -
p.s. you can also just visualize the emotional strings being cut down between you and the object; I use scissors in my imagination
(if this objects are connected to a person, attachment to that person would be the root problem, so - find the right 'thing' to cut...)
@danica said
"p.s. you can also just visualize the emotional strings being cut down between you and the object; I use scissors in my imagination
(if this objects are connected to a person, attachment to that person would be the root problem, so - find the right 'thing' to cut...)"
I'm actually very bad at that type of visualization. I prefer to see it as "wiping it of purpose" rather than "severing the link." the former is a metaphysical bath, the latter feels like a haircut.
Thank you all for your responses though.
Just bury it in the ground for a night. The earth has natural cleansing qualities, and ways of disposing what is not wanted. If the object wont be affected by salt(like amethyst shich salt will discolor and crack), then put some in your hands with the object, close your hands and shake and bake! imagine the energy fading away.
You could actually do a elemental cleansing, put some salt on it, then pass it through incense, the a candle, and then some holy water(look-warm water with 3 pinches of salt).
Or lastly if you choose none of these, put it in the freezer for about 3 hours, or 33 mintues or 30 minutes, something with 3. Oh and the freezer naturaly charges it, its the weirdest thing ya know!
Actually, I think desecration is the proper term. I think Jim has mentioned in other posts why one might want to desecrate a magickal object, for instance you have new or better tools and you no longer have need of a tool, so then one would desecrate it in order to clear it. At least that's what I recall.
That seems to ring a bell with me as well. Desecrate is just the opposite of consecrate; it's declaring that the object is no longer one-pointed of purpose as far as you are concerned, and is rather irrelevant to your Work.
I'm not positive if that's correctly attributed to Earth, but it appears to make intuitive sense.