Ritual performance
Hello everyone!
I am new to this site. I found this site through google as I was seeking a community for the interests that I have.
I am curious how other people in the world perform their own rituals.
So maybe I should start.
I am from Greece/europe.
Reason I am into this is because I smoke weed. Often when I used to smoke I would experience alot of things.
And I am no typically "smoker". There is no bob marley poster on my wall , and I don't say "yo man" or whatever.Greece has it own culture with weed, but anyway, I started to smoke for medical reasons. As the time went I experienced that it helped my mind to relax. Day after day I was relaxing my mind without knowing what I was doing but it was new to me and I did not want to stop.
I start to research this and talked to people. I got in contact with a mason(greek-masonic order in greece, FIAT LUX), who sent me to another person who was member of O.T.O. This person was very interested in what I had to say and wanted to recruit me. He then suggested I should read some books about Thelema and some work of Aleister Crowley and q/kabbalah etc etc.
And all this fascinated me, but as the lonely wolf I am(hence my name O'likos=the wolf), neither O.T.O or masonry was the place for me join.
But that does not mean I do not want to evolve myself as a human!
All I can say is that when I smoke, and If I choose to "go there"(depends on how I smoke the weed and how I use it in my lungs), I feel feelings I cannot explain.
And No, I am not smoking myself to get hallucination. cause it does not depend on how much weed I use, it depends on how I accept it with my body and my mind. I can experience this by smoking only 0.3g.(that is 1/3 of 1 gram.)
Anyone who smoked alot can tell you that 0.3g for a "veteran-weed-smoker" will not give him hallucination.
As I said, it is 90% for medicical reasons, the 10% left is when I use it to get where I want.So basically, my ritual is smoking. What I do I cannot explain, it is like eating you know? you know how to put food in your mouth when you are hungry. Or like little turtle babies who just automatically run to the sea.
Reason I am researching all this is because I want to see If we are on the same page or just find out what on earth is happening to me when I choose to smoke in that particular way.
Most of the time I invoke, as I feel that the evoke is "open" 24/7.
If you guys know what I mean. I mean, it is like some of them can come when ever they want.
But it does not bother me, I have no fear what so ever for anything "new".
I am 22 years old, I live alone, so there are no kids here or anyone else that could get bothered by this.Also I would love to learn yoga, a better understanding of meditation, magick, thelema , q/kabbalah etc etc.
And that is what I do at the moment. When I don't have work and done all my duties I like to read alot about this.But so many questions pop in my head! and thank lucifer almighty for the great invention of internet, so we can communicate with people all over the world!
I hope some nice people can share experience with me on this thread.
My English is not perfect so, I am not sure If my message got through, but basically I am wondering how you people make contact.
what ritual you use?
You invoke or evoke?
You use candles?
you make signs?
you have elemental weapons?
do you read up stuff? If so, what and why.Hope you guys get my idea. I am interested in everything, so don't type short!
Greetings from Greece.
For the man who is interested in everything!
Thank you both for trying to help me.
Blythe: again thank you for trying to help me. but I think you misunderstood me.
you write:
"when you speak so highly of marijuana intoxication. Indeed, it certainly feels like you've made contact with another plane of existence. However, I'm sure you're aware that the human mind is naturally imperfect, and that's why marijuana on its own isn't always a direct cause of a spiritual experience."I ask you now: wich part did you not understand? I quote myself from first post:
"And No, I am not smoking myself to get hallucination. cause it does not depend on how much weed I use, it depends on how I accept it with my body and my mind. I can experience this by smoking only 0.3g.(that is 1/3 of 1 gram.)"this is not high school, the effect of cannabis is not needed to be discussed.
And how you experience cannabis is not relevant to me,my mind, nor my body.
And since you are not me, you cannot speak about my spiritual experiences.
does not matter If I smoke or not before a ritual. you have no knowledge of my mind.the rituals you mentioned are for beginners.
in your fairness, you mentioned you only done this 1 year, but let me enlighten you.Magick is not about following the words of aleister crowley or anyone else, it is about understanding the orders of nature and use them in harmony.
How you do it, is up to you.
You can start by following guides written by people like aleister crowley, but at a later point it is highly expected that you can perform these rituals with your own knowledge.
Cause it is the meaning behind every word you choose to say that contains the power.
Does not matter If you say it in chinese or arabic. as long as you try to reach the right "forces".reason we use old hewbrew words etc, is because the paths are already laid down. therefore it is also important to prounounce the words correctly. Unless you managed to understand how it works, then you have no need for words anymore. your mind will make it there.
Hence my question on the first post:
"I am curious how other people in the world perform their own rituals."pasting books to me or telling me to read something is like when a priest tells the people in the village to read the bible without explaining them why.
clearly most of you are still on the "do what the master says" level.
It is not about man, it is about the almighty. and he does not speak chinese or arabic. he speaks the langauge of understanding, and that is what you have to do If you want to make it all the way.
Understand, don't repeat whatever you think you "must" repeat.
think of aleister crowley like a carl sagan, only in spirtism.
Carl sagan brought astronomy to the "everyday people", but astronomy is not carl sagan. he just made you understand it better. that's all.
and just like carl sagan would want you to study the universe on your own, aleister would want you to study spiritism with your own self-experience. he only wants to guide you, not tell you what to do.
Ciao, and good luck.
what ritual you use?
There is not one answer.You invoke or evoke?
There is not one answer.You use candles?
There is not one answer.you make signs?
There is not one answer.
you have elemental weapons?
Of course.do you read up stuff? If so, what and why.
More than I have time to describe - hence, the two books I offered.I believe I read the post correctly. Anything else, that shouldn't be the op's business - he should make his own unique energy also nobody else's business.
Ritual of the Three Steps
The First Step** [Banishing and Invokation]
Consecrate thy BODY and MIND with the workings of the HOLY SPLIFFThe Second Step [ The Working Proper]
Dance to the album Lateralus by the band TOOLThe Third Step [Closing and Banishing]
Enthrone thy Self upon the GREEN THRONE and smoke a CIGARETTENotes:
HOLY SPLIFF is composed of tobacco mixed with cannabis rolled in white papers. Starting from the end you light it is tobacco, mixed by center and entirely cannabis at the end you pull.CIGARETTE should be manufactured ( a Marlboro, Maverick , Parliament, what have you... )
^^ In addition to this excellent suggestion (which I have personally tried, and can recommend to the populace at large), a puff or three could hardly be said to interfere with normal, daily life and human enjoyment.
In the context of ritual, the Lesser rituals, such as daily banishing and elemental invocation on a small scale suffer little detriment (when performed stoned)--but the strange thing is that one eventually finds that one doesn't need any exterior stimulation. The ritual in itself projects all the Joy required to accomplish the task.
That being said, for serious ritual use it makes an excellent sacrament when applied to the Jupiterian energies, and Bacchus, Dionysus, etc. Yet when it becomes assimilated into your psyche by habituation, it can actually prohibit true "religious" feeling. Anything over-used loses its value.
The medical uses of marijuana have been proved on every front, but it serves the smoker well to take breaks. For instance, sometimes I hold off until after my college classes are done for the day.
Edit: If you scan the forum, there's a few threads where we discussed this question in depth, more or less.
@Uni_Verse said
"I believe you have mist-understood the intent of the original poster...
The original poster was inquiring as to how you personally perform ritual, not how to perform ritual...Assuming I have personally interpreted the post correctly. :O"
Oh. I kind of see that now. What sort of personal rituals does one perform "stoned."
As far as myself (thinking back to this afternoon): Same as above post, except substitute the Grateful Dead for Tool. Also prior to dancing I performed the Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram a few times, with various improvisations. And afterwards I think I smoked an "American Spirit" and ate a large quantity of chocolate. (I can check my journals if we want to get technical.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Olikos said
what ritual you use?
You invoke or evoke?
You use candles?
you make signs?
you have elemental weapons?
do you read up stuff? If so, what and why.Hope you guys get my idea. I am interested in everything, so don't type short!"
Seems to me like you're hoping for someone to eventually present practices coincidentally customized and tailored to your own personality and idiosyncrasies, a pursuit which I would describe as lazy and unrealistic.
There is already plenty of great, practical advise in this thread. I would advise you to continue your studies: read the works of the authors relevant to your intentions and when you've finished with them, do further research and find the individuals who kept those authors inspired and motivated.
Being immersed in such fields as are prevalent through these forums should not be a "want" or a "phase" you hope to move past one day, but a need you see as perpetually enriching your life. You can be completely pragmatic, struggling to decipher the literal meaning of everything you come across, but I recommend you do as the above posters seem to be and not take things so seriously! Simply looking up the definition of a word can provide enough information to apply the concept (assuming the word is such) symbolically to the most mundane of actions, encouraging an unwavering attentiveness and steadfast impeccability throughout every given moment.
Eating, breathing, taking a shit, sleeping, etc. can potentially be all the ritual you need.
Love is the law, love under will.
Greetings from Upstate NY,
where it is wet and wild
and not so warm right now....When I was a youngster my father (who had been in the Army) taught me a word called ablutions- the act of washing ownself....and he taught me to perform daily ablutions. Brush my teeath, comb my hair, put on clean clothes, make my bed....yada yada, all day long washing, washing.
I took it to mean something much more, something deeper, for even as a kid I knew washing meant alot more then getting the dirt out from behind your ears, and the lint out of your belly button. As we have different bodies in this world and the others, we also have to have different sorts of washings.
I always thought of those things that I did, those washings, as some of MY rituals. I guess I can see it as, I have rituals in which I am washing away, cleansing myself,taking care of myself....and then I have rituals in which, well I guess I am getting down and dirty now arent I
As domestic primates (A term I just read about in R.A.W.'S Prometheus Rising and LOVED!) we have a physical need to cleanse ourself. We could get fleas or ticks, or worse if we neglect our hygiene. As with all creatures on this planet we also need to perform housecleaning, so to speak. We need to clear away our wastes, and keep up our tangible bodies. It is part of living.
I tell the little ones who worry that thier mommy will be mad they got dirty :
"But you live on Earth-you live on dirt, how can you not get dirty?"My rituals of keeping clean have evolved as I have, and embraced more of my world then I ever could have imagined. Rituals, for me anyways, are an act of acting out owns mythology, in matter of speaking. But I have found that the mythology of my culture, this civilization I find myself in, is lacking, and lacking severly.
So I took the helm, and created my own mythos, I followed my own heart and let it help me create my own rituals, that I use in my daily life to help me remember, and stay on track.
I personally think that one of the main fuels behind the "environmental" movement is that modern Americans feel the weight of the dirt on them, and want to wash it away.
So when I think about what are my rituals,
I heart compells me to chime
that all acts of love are my rituals
and I do my best to make all action
from love.