Good link for transliteration of English to Hebrew?
I was scrounging around the Internet trying to find a decent website for transliterating English to Hebrew and came across the below. I found it to be useful because the Hebrew letters are spelled out in English at the bottom left side - that's the data you need to find the corresponding Atus on the Tree of Life in Appendix V of Book 4.
When attempting to ascertain the essential nature of a spirit or angel, as I recall, one should ignore the EL-ending and focus on the preceding Hebrew letters. Thus, for example, to ascertain the essential nature of “GABRIEL”, one would transliterate the English into Hebrew - Gimel Beth Resh Yod Lamed - ignore the EL-ending and focus on the remaining letters.
My question:
Does “EL” correspond to Lamed or Yod +Lamed? In other words should I look up Gimel Beth Resh Yod or just Gimel Beth Resh to ascertain the “root” nature of Gabriel?Thanks for feedback.
-el corresponds to Aleph Lamed at the end.
And it isn't exactly skipped. Rather, this is the part of the name that makes it angelic. Aleph and Lamed give spiritual energy, beauty, balance, wings... many traditional angelic characteristics.
@he atlas itch said
"When attempting to ascertain the essential nature of a spirit or angel, as I recall, one should ignore the EL-ending and focus on the preceding Hebrew letters. Thus, for example, to ascertain the essential nature of “GABRIEL”, one would transliterate the English into Hebrew - Gimel Beth Resh Yod Lamed - ignore the EL-ending and focus on the remaining letters.
My question:
Does “EL” correspond to Lamed or Yod +Lamed? In other words should I look up Gimel Beth Resh Yod or just Gimel Beth Resh to ascertain the “root” nature of Gabriel?Thanks for feedback."
So, it looks like you went to the web site listed in your previous post, typed "Gabriel" in the text box, and got the transliteration Gimel Beth Resh Yod Lamed. But that's not how the Hebrew name Gabriel is actually spelled in Hebrew. I don't know what the intended purpose of that site is, but it's not going to be of use in finding actual Hebrew words.
Gmumble - yes, that's correct. I ran several names through that link (Gabriel, Daniel, etc) and none of them came up with the Aleph Lamed ending for EL. So I guess the website is useless for what I'm looking for.
Can anyone recommend a good link for transliterating English names into Hebrew letters?
I am trying to do the transliteration for a friend named Lucie (the Slavic version of Lucy, Lucifer etc). Phonetically her name is LOO TZEE UH. Would the correct Hebrew letters be Lamed Vav Tzaddi Aleph Heh?
There's no such thing as a flawless online tool. The best way is simply to learn the alphabet.