how do we know it's really the HGA and not something else???
I was thinking, how can we be certain that whatever force we are able to initiate contact with through our intuitive
and ritualistic efforts, is the HGA and not something else entirely.
How do we know it's the HGA for sure?
How do we know it is not Vassago from the Goetia, returning with a vengeance because he was not too happy about the last time he was summoned?
Could it be that every and all angelic or demonic spirits we can call upon as magicians that we can are actually aspects of our HGA at some level ?
Just thinking...
@Mahanta70 said
"I was thinking, how can we be certain that whatever force we are able to initiate contact with through our intuitive and ritualistic efforts, is the HGA and not something else entirely.
How do we know it's the HGA for sure? "
One of the most marked characteristics of the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel is an unshakable certainty - arising in a soul that, by its journey there, has a heightened and refined truth sense.
For lesser contacts... you can't be sure. There is constant wondering and testing and witnessing. It helps to have deep experience and practice in knowing your own mind and watching how it behaves; and it also helps to have a mentor or instructor who is an Adept and can give ongoing feedback about your experiences.
"Could it be that every and all angelic or demonic spirits we can call upon as magicians that we can are actually aspects of our HGA at some level ?
I wouldn't be serving you well to answer "yes."
@Mahanta70 said
@Jim Eshelman said
"I wouldn't be serving you well to answer "yes.""I guess that means yes!
That explains everything!
Now it all makes since!"
It would be a mistake - possibly a serious one - for you to interpret my sentence as meaning that the answer is Yes.