Liber 33, Purification of the Fountain
Not being very experienced with Ceremonial Magick, I don't know how sound this is as an idea or in practice, but thought I'd share anyway.
Last night I had the idea to draft up a dawn ritual to complement the Mass of the Phoenix.
So the symbolism I chose is birth, baptism, water, etc.
Here's a first draft. Critique, tweaks, rewrites, encouraged!
Also, has anyone done something similar? Care to share your ideas?
*The Magician stands before an altar on which are a Grail, filled with water; a Bell; a Candle; and the ashes of a Cake of Light, from a previous Mass of the Phoenix.
In the Sign of the Enterer he reaches East across the Altar, and cries:
*Hail Ra, birthed from the Dark
Emerge from the canyons, in thy bark!*He gives the sign of Silence, and takes the Bell, and Fire, in his hands.
West of the Altar ¬¬see me stand
With light and musick in my hand!*He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell 333 - 55555 - 333, moistens his fingers from the grail, and snuffs the candle.
I strike the Bell; I douse the Flame
I utter the mysterious Name.ABRAHADABRA
Now I begin to pray: Thou Child,
Holy Thy name and undefiled!
Thy reign is come; Thy will is done.
Here is the Ark; here is the Flood.
That brings me through midnight to the Sun!
Save me from Evil and from Good!
That Thy one crown of all the Ten
Even now and here be mine. AMEN.*He puts a grain of the burnt Cake in the Water of the Grail.
I drown the Incense-cake, proclaim
These adorations of Thy name.*He makes them as in Liber Legis, and strikes again Eleven times upon the Bell. With water from the grail, he then makes upon his forehead the proper sign.
Behold this dripping head of mine
Drenched with the sacramental sign!*He brings the Grail to his forehead.
I catch the drops; the Grail soaks
Them up, and the high priest invokes!*He drinks the water.
This Dew I drink. This Oath I swear
As I baptize myself with prayer:
"There is no grace: there is no guilt:
This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!"He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell, and cries
I entered in with woe; with mirth
I now go forth, and with thanksgiving,
To do my pleasure on the earth
Among the legions of the living.
He goeth forth. -
I like this...
A morning rite of purification, very nice. Have you performed it yet?
@TheSilent1 said
"Have you performed it yet?"
Not yet. I just wrote it up this morning after resh. I figured I'd wait for a little critique from people with more experience than me before I try it out.
Rising from thy ashes but to drown!
Ah! How lovely and poetically sound -
I think that you have a rite that should be looked at as a purification, and it is execellent that it would be the first thing that you would do in the morning to dedicate yourself to the Great Work.
What I would do is a banishing: the Mass of the fountain: and the your Liber Resh
I really like this, Av
I'm very interested to see what effects you get out of it.
Extremely poetic and well-written; if you didn't tell me that Crowley didn't write this, I wouldn't have guessed - it reminds me very strongly of his style of cadence and preferences in rhyme scheme.
(Not that I'm saying that you're trying to imitate him; I'm just being honest.)
@Ash said
"I really like this, Av
I'm very interested to see what effects you get out of it.
Extremely poetic and well-written; if you didn't tell me that Crowley didn't write this, I wouldn't have guessed - it reminds me very strongly of his style of cadence and preferences in rhyme scheme.
(Not that I'm saying that you're trying to imitate him; I'm just being honest.)"
Well, it is mostly his writing, with my tweaks (a word changed here and there, and maybe 3 original lines, lol). See Mass of the Phoenix for the original.
@AvshalomBinyamin said
@Ash said
"I really like this, AvI'm very interested to see what effects you get out of it.
Extremely poetic and well-written; if you didn't tell me that Crowley didn't write this, I wouldn't have guessed - it reminds me very strongly of his style of cadence and preferences in rhyme scheme.
(Not that I'm saying that you're trying to imitate him; I'm just being honest.)"
Well, it is mostly his writing, with my tweaks (a word changed here and there, and maybe 3 original lines, lol). See Mass of the Phoenix for the original.
So much for that then. I apologize, I have never performed the Mass of the Phoenix and am not even sure if I have read the script for it.