Sales web page is up...
We now have the first version of the sales web page up the College's web site: can't order from here yet. We have to integrate the book into the sales system on and haven't yet pinned down the pre-publication offer. (I currently suspect that this will be a significant price cut if ordered before December 31; but don't quote me on that yet.) Oh, and here's the latest look at the cover (a graphic, not a photo):
this may be a dumb question but here goes, just to clarify, the edition of the Visions & Voices offered for preorder is a signed edition, yes?
Also, I am one of those who prefers to buy things on Amazon for the sole reason that I get a tracking number. I have a pobox and hate checking it everyday. So if I buy Visions & Voices directly from the publisher (instead of waiting for availability), will I receive a tracking number when it is shipped?
Thanks in advance. -
@Mahanta70 said
"this may be a dumb question but here goes, just to clarify, the edition of the Visions & Voices offered for preorder is a signed edition, yes?"
Yes, they will be autographed copies. - Striving for honesty and disclosure, I should say that that's not the main benefit of the pre-order, since it isn't too hard to get me to autograph a copy of one of my books - the pre-order benefits are getting the book early, saving money, and having access to the significant discount on the leather-bound deluxe 776.5. But yes, additionally, these are signed copies.
"Also, I am one of those who prefers to buy things on Amazon for the sole reason that I get a tracking number. I have a pobox and hate checking it everyday. So if I buy Visions & Voices directly from the publisher (instead of waiting for availability), will I receive a tracking number when it is shipped?"
I don't handle the shipping, so I actually don't know whether he sends tracking numbers. (I doubt it, since it's sent US domestic priority mail.) If that's really important to you, I suggest that you add a note when you order saying that you require a tracking number and, otherwise, we should please cancel your order and immediately refund your money. - In case you prefer, the Amazon page should be up soon (though they, of course, will not be offering the pre-publication special).
So, Mr. Elshelman what about a personal enscription? Are you just blankly signing copies? If I ordered a book and you knew it was me, would you/ could you add a little extra verbiage......or would I have to go to NYC's event for that?
@Veronica said
"So, Mr. Elshelman what about a personal enscription? Are you just blankly signing copies? If I ordered a book and you knew it was me, would you/ could you add a little extra verbiage......or would I have to go to NYC's event for that?"
If I know who a book is for, I'll personalize it. For the pre-orders, we'll know who ordered them, but I won't jump to the conclusion that they're buying the book for themselves. ("To Jane, with all my love." Oops, it was a gift Jane was buying for her boyfriend! <g>)
Please feel free to indicate to whom you'd like the autograph addressed. (And yes, I always have a little more verbiage than the signature.)
Are you going to have a similiar event in L.A?
I would much rather spend some time by the sunny beach, then the snowy one.... -
@Veronica said
"Are you going to have a similiar event in L.A?"
Possibly, but nobody has scheduled one yet. If you'd like to start the vast popular outcry
go to and write to Harpocrates Temple, telling them you want the event and would like to be informed when it's scheduled.
San Francisco is already planning one for sometime in the late winter or early spring - we thought we had a date in February, but the planned site wasn't available. They're working on an alternate date.