Ritual State of Mind
I've yet to see a heated debate when the participants are naked in a hot-tub together.
Naked hot-tubing my place!
Mmmm...don't forget the Oil of Abramelin.
Within ritual, which is a more desirable state of mind?
is it,
a) The magicians shifts her entire consciousness to be receptive to the magickal environment, being sensitive to forces normally ignored by non-magickal consciousness. She does the ritual with a mind open to everything and anything that may manifest and exerts minimal control. This is a passive approach to a ritual state of mind.
b) The magician just focuses her Will on the ritual procedure itself and only the specific forces being called upon. She ignores distracting forces that may manifest as she is doing the ritual and exerts alot of control over the entire ritual procedure. This would be a more active approach to a ritual state of mind.Which would be better in your opinion?
it's not so A-or-Be. you have to be focused and exercise the Will, but at the same time every ritual can be understood as 'dynamic meditation' i.e. you are open and receptive to the forces you are dealing with. and the very harmony of these two makes it successful. (see ATU XIV)
read chapter on ceremonial in MTP. the symbolism and meaning of the magickal circle is very deep and important, and can give you some good insight in connection to questions you asked. -
step 1- have a shower.
step 2-LBRP or Liber 25, depending.add or remove steps to suit the specific working, I find group work requires more time and effort than solitary practice in order to get everyone into the right head space.
93 93/93
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Alrah said
"In my view, most magical work is 93% practise until you refine the vessel enough to do your Will without all the painting by numbers of ritual work. "
Yes! But in the good ol' USA, we spell it "p-r-a-c-t-i-c-e". The reason why I clarify is because sometimes Americans can get confused when it comes to practice - only because it involves hard work.
@Alrah said
"In regards to passive or active - these matters become obvious when you are in tune with your Will."
Yep. And then they can get mixed together.
@Alrah said
"It's like a childs game: If I close my eyes and someone feeds me then I can pretend I'm feeding myself. lol."
Don't give away the secret to the child's game!
@Alrah said
"It's like Einsteins theory of special relativity: if we are on a train and jump up and down - we move along in velocity to the train and land in the same spot we left."
Only one question: who made the train?
Alrah, I loved your post.
Love is the law, love under will.
@Foolster said
"How do you readily slip into that creative consciousness space when you prepare for ritual?"
In my experience, it takes practice to shift consciousness at will. Many different methods can be used to do this. Yoga, Magick, self-hypnosis, drug-use (not advocating this...just sayin'), NLP, REBT, and other paradigms can be helpful, and their "effects" get stronger with practice (with the exception of drug-use...you may develop a tolerance
). Combinations of paradigms can help, too. I agree with Silent1, your approach is only limited by your creativity.
I've used Hypnosis a few times to get myself ready for sigil work. I've also used Salvia once with a sigil to quit drinking...maybe I didn't smoke enough