Cleansing of used items?
I enjoy shopping at thrift stores. Part of it is to save money, and part of it is because I like vintage. I like that the things are hard to find, one of a kind, and have a history.
But though I like the history, the history can carry some unknown bad vibes.
What ritual could I use to spiritually cleanse my used items?
Thank you,
93 93/93 -
Funny... I just got back from the thrift store and was thinking the same thing. I got 2 books which have nothing to do with the occult, but for some reason, I thought of cleaning them. I was going to do some non-thelemic stuff such as rubbing them while chanting and then holding to my head and saying om ah hung three times, but am interested to see what others have to say. For me, what I will do is certainly strong enough.
@AliceNui said
"I enjoy shopping at thrift stores. Part of it is to save money, and part of it is because I like vintage. I like that the things are hard to find, one of a kind, and have a history.
But though I like the history, the history can carry some unknown bad vibes.
What ritual could I use to spiritually cleanse my used items?
Thank you,
93 93/93"maybe simple placing them on the sun for some time (=exposing to sunlight) - a couple of days, or more if you think it is needed.
I posted this same question on other lists: I got replies of smuding items with sage, sprinklling them with salt water, and doing the LBRP around them.
93 93/93
@AliceNui said
"I posted this same question on other lists: I got replies of smuding items with sage, sprinklling them with salt water, and doing the LBRP around them.
93 93/93"
Not that I have much experience in this area, but my first attempt would be to perform the LBRP (perhaps followed by the LIRP and then another LBRP) with the item in the circle. Maybe following it up with a short impromptu consecration of the item to one's Work (I did this with a necklace that I owned that was giving me bad vibes; it appeared to work well).
@AliceNui said
"What ritual could I use to spiritually cleanse my used items?"
Invest them with fresh, positive experiences.
A long while ago someone told me a story, he normally eats slowly, chewing his food well. He was given a spoon that had been owned by someone else. He found himself eating much faster, which concerned him because he considered this unhealthy. Upon inquiry, he learned that the previous owner of the spoon ate quickly.
@AliceNui said
"I enjoy shopping at thrift stores. Part of it is to save money, and part of it is because I like vintage. I like that the things are hard to find, one of a kind, and have a history.
But though I like the history, the history can carry some unknown bad vibes.
What ritual could I use to spiritually cleanse my used items?
Thank you,
93 93/93"fire works the bests
it is pure, made to cleanse
1: use a candle pass it over the heat, not close enough to damage the item. close enough so you can feel the heat on your hand. the heat will made the negative energy flow away from the flame.
2: Angelica oil, just one little drop will do.
Cold distilled water
The objects are only as pure as the temple.