I started studing Thelema in 1991 as a student of Aster Argos. For those of you who dont know him , Aster Argos was a force of Thelema in the early 1990's in Indiana and the midwest overall. He ran an O.T.O. temple in Indy . He also was instrumental in the formation of the Holy Order Of Rahoorkhuit. I was with him when we began to initiate high ranking O.T.O. members into the Order. Some traveled long, long distances:p Anyway, he was also my first Initiator
During my first Initiation when I offered my neck to the Sword, I thought i really was going to die. I could feel, very intensely, the presence of Rahoorkuit .
I haven't been the same since:p
True story btw.
btw, my first Initiation was 1993 2 years after i started studying:p late bloomer I guess:p
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I thought I should comment about some things on my mind.
When I first signed up I was very "stagnated" spiritually. The GRADE I found myself in consumed me. It was the first time i had strayed from the center(a neccessary action). I was so "blowed away" from the benifits of being centered in this Sepheroth that I lost momentum. I got lost in "magickal power" of the Sepheroth.
As a result I quit "moving". Things became stagnated and I started to experience the Qilpothic effects of this grade.
Signing up on this site was like getting a "jump start" when your battery is dead. I started moving again......
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
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at least thats what I believe:p
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.