Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual
93 all,
I have been slowly trying to work my way through the Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual, and have several questions that I would like to ask. I apologize ahead of time if my message seems confusing, it is very confusing for me to try to express my questions but I will try my best.
The Qabalistic Cross I have no troubles with, my questions start with the drawing of the banishing pentagrams of earth in the quadrants, starting from east, continuing to south, west, north and then finishing in the east.
Am I correct in my assumption that east represents fire, south represents water, west represents air and north represents earth? I ask because I have always assumed that YHVH represents Yod - Air, Heh - Water, Vau - Fire, Heh - Earth.
When one reaches the invocation of the Archangels, they are facing east. Before me Raphael, to me uttering before me would signify Tipareth, which according to YHVH formula would be VAU - fire, yet in the MIddle Pillar by Israel Regardie, he mentions that Raphael has "airy qualities".
Behind me Gabriel (behind me, would be Yesod) if we are standing on the intersection between Samech and Peh. Gabriel is to have watery qualities which I have no problem with since its association with Yesod.
On my right hand Michael (right side would correspond to Hod) yet Regardie mentions that upon visualizing Michael he should be visualized as fiery.
On my left Auriel (left hand would corespond to Netzach) yet here Auriel is to embody earthly qualities as if he pertained to Malkuth.
I apologize again if my concerns aren't expressed clearly and will clarify as best as I can if it is necessary. To be truthful this is really bugging me because I feel like I am making progress as far as mechanics and vibrating the Godnames and Archangels but it is frustrating that I am having such difficulty on tying it all together.
I appreciate anyone's input on this matter
Love is the law, love under will
@RvCH said
"Am I correct in my assumption that east represents fire, south represents water, west represents air and north represents earth? I ask because I have always assumed that YHVH represents Yod - Air, Heh - Water, Vau - Fire, Heh - Earth."
The positions of the archangels correspond as follows: East is Air, South is Fire, West is Water, North is Earth.
For the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, there is no elemental correspondence to the Divine Names. (Their usage in this ritual isn't elemental. It is the sequence of the names that matters.)