I Ching divination methods
I am going to start reading the I Ching soon (as soon as I can buy a copy) and from what I understand it does not include instructions as to different methods of divination. I would appreciate any input on the different methods that you all have used, or have heard of being used. I am particularly interested in the coin methods and have read that a dice could be used in place of coins; have any of you ever done this?
Whether you get divination instructions depends on what version of the I Ching you get. The popular Wilhelm/Baynes edition has an appendix with instructions for both the traditional but complicated yarrow stick method as well as the simpler coin method.
He instructs to use sticks or coins. I made myself some wooden coins a year less ago, and they work very well.
Original poster: If you need the I king original translation, it's free to download in many formats.
I have both that one, and Crowley's translation and poetic/qabalistic improvement version. If you wish for any of them, or anything else for that matter since I've got most everything in pdf format, just pm me.