Metatron's Rubic's Cube
Then there are no longer 22 paths to correspond to the hebrew alphabet, the 22 atus of the major arcana, the 12 zodiac, 7 planets, and 3 elements...
The tree of life is filing cabinet of different types of consciousness, it's most useful when it serves this purpose, and is not treated as the actual territory that it maps.
So the question I would have is what useful purpose does moving the sephiroth on the tree around serve, that drawing an evolving series of jungian mandalas wouldn't serve as well?
@Rakshindra said
"...when one has achieved Da'ath, the Tarot and other tools (such as Qabalah or the Zodiac) are rendered more or less superfluous anyway."
Which, of course, is why the zodiac is attributed to Chokmah and is a significant part of the Great Work in Chokmah, right? And why all the fundamental Grade tasks up to and through Ipsissimus are expressed in terms of the 22 Paths and the Tarot?
"But I had wondered about that myself, because when the pathways to Da'ath have been opened, we obviously have an addition of two paths."
This hyperintellectual type of construction is exactly the sort of thing that is likely to turn Da'ath into one big trap.
Fortunately, the nature of mind will have you reconsidering all of these views long before they become a practical concern.