To all ye!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
My online motto here is Hoor-Aum.
I have studied the Philosophy of Thelema since received a thoth tarot deck from a diviner in Berkley, when I was 16. Now I am 36 years old. I study the m. and m. system of the A.'.A.'. since then. I was a member of the Outer College in the U.K. from 2006-20010, when I thought I had attained to the Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel and decided to follow my own path. I value my own personal freedom and independance strongly. Some of my results can be found in my book The Sword and the Pen at my webpage. In November 2010 I performed a 3-week retreat with daily practices based on the Formula of the Neophyte. That is where I stand and probably will remain for as long as the rest of this life-time. I am a Fidele d'Amore. I love art and story-telling. To me life, life is part of the Great Work. I have some of my works at my web-site www.mysteriamystica.org. Mostly ideals I came up with. It is just a fragment and probably of no interest for anyone else than myself and a few others.
I have joined heruraha because I enjoy your discussions and your threads. Also because I am totally sold, the Philosophy of Thelema is part of my life. I hope it will be giving to a lonely wolfe as myself. I live in on a small island in Norway, outside Tønsberg, a city that has existed since the Dark Ages.Love is the law, love under will.
Hoor-Aum. -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.