The Body of Light Formed In DEPTH
93 All!
I have trouble astral projecting, I've tried the Golden Dawn Formula.. I've LBRP'ed and MPed and Hexagrammed it and pentagrammed it and meditated it all. I cannot astral project.. I dunno.. Ive tried it all, books robert bruce,and all of that.. I had little result with ophiel's book.. but i dont know what im doing wrong.
But I wanted to make a body of light, and I've tried stuff too, (Golden Dawn Formula, the above paragraph, ect). but, Im getting tired of this making a mockery of me. I was doing pretty good calling up spirits, and opening portals through evocation just by doing the GHR, and a ka dua chants, but now, ive hit a road block, a brain fart, and I dont know why im not connecting to the astral for the spirits to come. The astral is magick, We are magick, Magick happens when the two planes meet one another.. (which happens everyday) but not for me anymore..
Anythoughts Brethren?
King Solomon
As someone who had the worst problems jump-starting this kind of work I thought I would share what I learned from my struggles.
For me there were two core issues in being able to astral project:
seeing, feeling, and acting inside an astral body in an astral setting...
receiving impressions that I was not pre-programing or directing in a subtle way...
I had to work on both for an extended period of time before I began to have what I consider genuine astral adventures.
If you can visualize or imagine anything, chances are your imagination is strong enough at the outset to achieve number 1. The experiences may still be relatively weak compared with what you are looking for, or what you will eventually be capable of, nevertheless, you should be able to do it.
To determine if this is the case make a simple test—if you don't see or imagine anything when you close your eyes and attempt to recreate the room you are in, then you may need to waken and encourage your imagination by trying to do just that—see and feel things in your imagination. I spent a long time just opening and closing my eyes with the intention of remembering as much physical detail as possible in my imagination when my eyes were closed that I saw when they were open. If even this proves to be a problem, like you just can't see anything, then you should imagine that you are in fact imagining, saying to yourself things like: and the wall feels and looks like <fill in the blank>. Using your memory in any capacity involves using your imagination, so do this with as much sensual detail as you can. I put aside a half hour every day for several months, practicing this and related exercises, until I could actually get up and walk about the house in my imagination, touching everything I encountered, which helped make the reality I was exploring more concrete.
Number 2 is, or was a whole different ball of string for me. I'm a theater director, and I am in the habit of imagining how something is supposed to play out, so I tended to end up with things that seemed right or too much of what I would have expected. What I realized when I got to this point was that I had already had what it took to do number 1, I just didn't think so until I had done some work! So, for me the real problem was being open and not squishing the experience. The solution for me was two-fold. First, I recommend any kind of free-association exercises you can find—things like automatic writing or speaking without much of a goal or desire to make sense. Secondly, and this will seem paradoxical, simply accept your attempts to control and direct your vision as valid, because you don't want to practice inhibiting 'any' experience. If you practice being open, eventually you will open to things as they are on the astral, not created by you. For me success in this regard came in two forms. First, I was shocked and surprised by what I saw, and had to make further inquires, in vision, as to why I was seeing what I was seeing; and secondly, the things I encountered had an added feeling component to them—they impressed me and were much more vivid and solid than anything I could have imagined on my own. This last point is hard to describe, but you will know it when you experience it.
So, hopefully this will help some. If I had to reduce all of it to one piece of advice it would be to just keep trying and don't let yourself get discouraged.
Love and Will
Your advice is very helpful to me, Robert. I have the same issue of getting over expectations and the subconscious assumtion that I could acutally understand the nature of true visions without having experienced them. Enochian is my focus at the moment and I find myself running into this wall every night during my practices. Thank you for the insight.
Follow the practice in Liber O. As it says 'opening the eyes can be difficult'. I find the rituals help stimulate the vision, LBRP and MP. Maybe add the Liber O practice to your routine of the other rituals.
I tried many techniques over the years but without success.
Then one day I bought a book called "Techniques of High Magic"(Skinner, King) and I tried the "Technique A" explained in the chapter about the astral projection, and the only thing I can say is: powerfull!
But the only side effect, not the least, is that before one can project consciously, during sleep can occur spontaneously projections...
Usually, when it happens, I'm dreaming and I realize to do it, then I find myself in the body, unable to move, and feel like gusts of wind or electric shock and then the projection happens.
If you want to try:- Assume a seated position, close your eyes
- Perform the LBRP mentally
- Return to your body, and, standing behind the head, let yourself be reabsorbed into it
- Perform the MP mentally
- Visualize the Vayu Tattwa, a ball of blue brilliance about four inches in diameter and position it at the throat
- Vibrate the Godname attributed to Daat: YHVH Elohim
- Focus your attention on the nape of your neck, continuing the Vayu visualisation
- Astral projection
- Close with the MP and the LBRP
My experience is very similar to RobertAllen.
Intensive practice with the basic (relaxation, rhythmic breathing and concentration) with MP, pathworking and lots of invocation made the practices with the body of light a little more vivid.
In a good practice session the images start getting that weird dream-like aspect, with a strange light in the environment. On the other hand, spontaneous imagines are still rare. At least it is a significant progress since 6 months ago.Jim usually says that personal aid of someone with good traveling skills is very important and that is something I would like to try. Unhappily where I live most occultist I know are not exactly trustworthy (to much Motta in their heads).
@RobertAllen said
" First, I was shocked and surprised by what I saw, and had to make further inquires, in vision, as to why I was seeing what I was seeing; and secondly, the things I encountered had an added feeling component to them—they impressed me and were much more vivid and solid than anything I could have imagined on my own. This last point is hard to describe, but you will know it when you experience it.
This is exactly what I was talking about in my thread, in fact. Things you really (and succesfully) "call up" are much more vivid and give a much more solid "emotional" link to what you can experience otherwise, or at last for me. As I said I can have either a good image of the room I'm in etc. but it's not the same as images I get when I succesfully "call" something up.
For example this morning I tried to use Enochian for the first time (I know, maybe it is a little too early, but I wanted to test something that I will explain later) and I had the most vivid impressions I ever had in all my life. The scene was almost more "real" to me than physical reality in a sense I cannot properly describe (it was mostly the sense of the "place"). The sense of something "external" (for lack of better word) from my own (I could not concept something as that neither if I wanted to) was so strong and the emotional link so strong as to leave myself speechless (literally). I didn't know no more what to say or do (either if I prepared everything accordingly), and I understood in a moment why Enochian is considered so powerful. I will not try it again until later, when more experienced: a part of me was not able to cope with it properly, in fact (and it either attracted fear after, but that's another story).
The work I'm doing now is having a first person p.o.w. in the "scene". I was previosly somewhat good at creating "movies" in my mind (from previous training also of not a strictly magick nature) but they were still scenes in a sort of screen. There was not a sense in being in there, but instead of "watching" from outside. Yesterday I was somewhat succesfull for the first time on putting myself there (also if, as Jim said, still faking it) and it's all another thing. The vision is a little less vivid than in the other case till now (it becomes more "transparent" - also if more 3D like and somwhat "impressed" as a bass-relief - when I'm there, because I'm not yet accustomed to it, maybe) but the impact is completely different, also if surely I've a lot of work still to do there.
So I wanted to apply "calling" (that has always been more vivid for me) with this new experience and tried Enochian (since I did read a book of LonMilo and was curious about it; I've always been, but I wanted first to become better at other things before trying, but this time decided to give the third power of the Sphinx a shot).
Anyway, thank you again for your help in my thread, because probably I didn't do it properly there. Your words (and naturally Jim's) did make the difference in letting me understand how to approach the practice.
And probably excuse to others for the "enochian tale" that probably don't interest nobody, but it was so strong that I had to share it to someone (if not only to "discard" the emotional content somewhat).
Lavir. -
My experience:
I've had problems on the other end of the spectrum, interestingly enough: for a period of about three months I couldn't help but project my " Body of Light," which is a vastly different experience from what I see described here.
The Body of Light is an ethereal entity composite with your physical body, and they must be separated. The feeling of this separation is unmistakable: it is like getting sucked out of your skin through a garden hose. After this point you will find yourself in an entirely different seat of consciousness. It is much, much different from any forms of visualization, and a rather uncomfortable experience the first few times. I'm sorry to say that 98% of human beings are incapable of entering the Astral realm on their own volition, and many that claim to travel in the "Astral" really have no idea what they are talking about. I think Mr. Allen is perhaps the only one besides Mr. Eshelman who has surefire experience in this realm.
That being said, the secret is this: there is a door between your dream-world and your waking-world. You have to find this door, and learn to control it at Will. In most people, this door swings between consciousness and REM sleep as natural, unconscious mechanism. To enter the astral one must become expert at picking the lock. Be one with the door, young grasshopper.
@Mephis said
"My experience:
I've had problems on the other end of the spectrum, interestingly enough: for a period of about three months I couldn't help but project my " Body of Light," which is a vastly different experience from what I see described here."
You are talking about so-called OBEs here.
@Mephis said
I'm sorry to say that 98% of human beings are incapable of entering the Astral realm on their own volition, and many that claim to travel in the "Astral" really have no idea what they are talking about. I think Mr. Allen is perhaps the only one besides Mr. Eshelman who has surefire experience in this realm. "Apart that I don't think Jim neither care about OBEs (surely he has had many of them, but that's another thing) because they are completely unconsciously directed, you think they are the "real deal" there, when I think it's not. To begin with because (also if you seem to think the contrary) and OBE is much easier to do than a full astral journey (for as I see it now) as someone as Crowley could do. And also because:
- It is very difficult to have them at will (i.e. being perfectly sure you will succeed or doing them when YOU - consciously - want to), so you will never be able to "slip" from a state to another fast and reliably (as a full link to the conscious/subconscious can enable you to do) or being "here and there" at the same time.
- When you are "out" the subconscious takes completely the lead. You seems to be conscious of what you do in there, but you are NOT. Later you discover, in fact, that all your "choices" were not choices at all in a controlled sense. Example: you are in your room, while there you think "I'm going through the roof to try this and that", but later, when you are conscious, you mind why you did want to go from the roof at all and instead not doing something completely different (and maybe much more important), and so on.
- How can you have a "direction" estabilished before? The only way is to probably think intensely of what you care to before the experiment, but given that A) there's a lapse in consciousness in any case (so it can be that all your intent is erased), and B) anyway you cannot control it later, as explained above), what's the point?
- They are very short (usually) and done in "laps" (namely, you exit, re-enter, exit again and so on).
Then, it is not difficult at all to have an OBE, on the contrary it is almost too easy after a while (much more than having a full conscious/subconscious communication from an awake state of mind). You just have to do them from an "asleep-awake-back to bed" frame of mind at first (or, even faster, using the hypnopompic one, i.e. willed awake-not move-exit) , to understand what you must do later.
But still, there's no real communication between the conscious and subconscious in that case. Amusing and interesting experiences, sure (I've had many of them, in fact), but after having that Enochian experience I was talking about, I assure you that they come neither close to it. It can be less "spectacular" from a semi-physical experience (if you care about it) and probably (naturally it depends) seem less "real" at beginning (this comes from the society frame of mind that "imagination" is not real and a silly thing, a concept you have no problem to discard when your subconscious takes the lead), but the emotional link and content (and so probably the use you can do of them for the Great Work and the impact on your psyche) it's much much stronger, even for someone like me that's only at the beginning in it (so I imagine for someone like Jim).
Btw, I think that when that link (conscious/subconscous) is fully estabilished, the "reality" of what you experience (either from a pure external categorization, as you do, as if it was the important thing, when it's not) is the same as you get in an OBE (if not more). But this someone other better experienced at it than me at can say it better. I can only say that for me there are not differences at all in images I get in an OBEs and images I get when I watch a movie in my mind (it changes for the moment if I try to have a first person view in there) apart the conscious effort I do (explained better in my thread).
@Mephis said
That being said, the secret is this: there is a door between your dream-world and your waking-world. You have to find this door, and learn to control it at Will. In most people, this door swings between consciousness and REM sleep as natural, unconscious mechanism. To enter the astral one must become expert at picking the lock. Be one with the door, young grasshopper."
Nothing new on this, and, in any case, the only way ALL people can experience an OBE (nobody can do it from a conscious state). You seem to think you are one of the "elected people" capable of doing something only the elite can do, but you are not, at all and OBEs are EASIER (much) to obtain than a full conscious/subconsious communication (for example I'm very good at the former, and learned them easily, while I'm only at the beginning in the latter, and it will take me a lot of time learn how to do it).
Btw, If you read my thread, you will know that I mixed Astral Travel with OBEs myself too.