The First Gate
I believe I have found the 'machinery' to properly comprehend Liber AL. I have not seen this anywhere before, but rather through years of hard work and study was able to find it. With the stone and the wheel I have confirmed with the Keys. I suppose this is revealed in certain orders and certain grades. I am not in any order or grade, but still the findings are enough that I feel I should not reveal. This is what is forbidden IMO, not the discussion of the open text and closed cipher. It is astounding. I can mention obscurely 88 and the first gate. If I am right others will know, this is enough and I will be silent. I'm asking for some basic confirmation, and some advice on what I should do to handle the energies released by opening the book.
Ah no worries. 88 by itself is Qabalistically more interesting as 8x11, or 8+8=16, or 61 However is significant as minor key if I have the cipher right. This is a major clue Aiwass provided that confirms some other aspects of what I found:
Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.
Also the formula:
44+44=88 -
If it helps... no, that doesn't ring any general bells for me.
Of course, the number has had personal significance to me. Besides being the value of the letters T.'.O.'.T.'., it's the value of my general aspiration name within that Order (which is also my A.'.A.'. 5=6 name) - but that surely has noting to do with your solution.
And, long before that, there were light-weight observations, like "8 = Hadit, 11 = Nuit" sort of thing. (I read the "8, 80, 418 passage differently than you.)
But, of course, maybe you know something here that I don't know
ok. Here is what is behind my inquiry. This triangle was 'generated', not something I sat down and filled out. It was generated by a cipher and a key. The key is in the bottom of the pyramid, middle cell. The cipher is from instructions in Liber AL. When you put in a different key, all the values change. Check the key (78) in Sepher Sephiroth. Add the numbers in the LEFT side of the triangle, from top to bottom.
The Hebrew Qabalah will not work once the minor keys are applied. But there is another Qabalah that does work. I understand what this book is. It should not be able to exist in this universe. Much like the presence of the son of the demiurgos vampire slave god that has retarded human evolution for 2000 years. AL is the force to restore balance, freedom, liberty, and so much more. Crowley was right when he said it makes things like the invention of the wheel and electricity look insignificant by comparison.