September 16-18, 2011: I - The Magus
- Alphabet/Beth.jpg
(Mercury)MEDITATION COLOR: Yellow.
HEBREW LETTER: Beth, house, including temple or house per se; or something to house or contain something else, or in which to dwell. An architectural construct. Descendants, progeny, blood line (e.g., “House of David”). Literally, preposition “in.” B is a projective sound.
CARD NAME: Magus: Latin magus, from Greek magos, from Old Persian maguš: Indo-European roots magh-, “to be able, have power,” root of may (and dismay), might, machine, mechanic, magick.
ESOTERIC MEANING: The Clear (or Transparent) Consciousness. It is the substance of that phase of Majesty that is called Revelation. It is the source of prophecies that seers behold in visions.
TREE of LIFE: Binah to Kether. (Links ‘Understanding’ and ‘the Crown’; or Intuition with Unconditional Being, Neshamah with Yechidah; or ‘the Mother’ with ‘the Ancient of Days.’ The transmission of Divine Consciousness into a house of Form, or utterance of the Divine Word to inseminate the field of creation.)
ESOTERIC TITLE: The Magus of Power
TANTRIC & ALCHEMICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Priest: the Logos, or inseminator, of the operation.
DIVINATION: Skill, wisdom, initiative, adroitness, adaptation, elasticity, craft, constructiveness, cunning, deceit, theft. Sometimes means occult wisdom or power; sometimes a quick impulse. May imply messages, business transactions, or the advantage or interference of intellect or learning with the matter at hand.
Some first and second day notes for this...been having a little bit of trouble connecting with it...when I meditate on it, I fight falling asleep...then again I been working long days and meditating at night lol
I - projectionthe caduceus - the wand/will of the green man. looks like he's riding into creation on it. some sort of form is taking place
the blue at the bottom of the card - the emptiness the magus projected himself into...could also be the darkness waiting to be filled by the purple light in back of the magus
the grid - reminds me of "the grid" I saw in the sky a couple times I ate mushrooms. My friends once refered to it as the fabric of the universe
the monkey - the visual image of the source of mindless chatter throughout the space...the unrefined aspect of the magus....notice the monkey is climbing on the grid but the magus seems to be floating in front of it
the scroll....the akashic records....or perhaps it contains a word for the magus' usage....looking at it some more, it's just one of the many tools he's gonna need to use for whatever he's up to
the magickal weapons....this guy is just juggling shit but with a purpose...I'd imagine without those tools he couldn't create the matrix, or field or whatever is that's being created as he soars through the universe...
winged shoes....the magus uses jets through the universe....."come unto me is a foolish word, for it is I that go" comes to mind"
The Thoth deck carries so much more of the feel of the energy/consciousness it's describing than any other deck I've worked with.
I love how this Magician, who is obviously Mercury, looks like a little lively child, popping up to entertain the guests and grinning broadly.
While the Fool's energy is very similar, this card seems faster, more in motion. While the Fool's words were, "Just LOOK at this!" in wonderment, the Magus' words are "Watch this! Watch this! Watch this!" [direct your attention here], followed by that joyful, sort of flowing, dancing expression of a particular talent. The mind focused, yet letting the performance flow through it. It's difficult for me to describe.
I'm also noting that my energy level has increased during the period of the meditations, and I'm feeling more positive. I really think the color meditation part helps.
Wrapped up day three meditation a few minutes ago. Tonight was pretty powerful. I felt a a difference in the way I was able to connect with the card. Once things began to 'click' I felt like I merged with it because I felt like the insights I was receiving was coming from and going into my body. And I was able to perceive the perspective of the card. It was like a motion picture in my mind. Difficult to put in words for sure.
"The purple background - Pale and purple is she. The v-shape is like a cosmic vagina.
the caduceus - from the cosmic vagina issues for the cosmic will. 'Had! The manifestation of Nuit.' comes to mind.
The matrix - the location of the manifestation. The field. The plane.
The scroll (opposite of the arrow) - the record of the word
the arrow - the aim of the word
the egg - the intention of the word
the wand - the direction of the word
the cup - the understanding of the word
the sword - the distinction of the word
the pantacle - the receptive vehicle of the word as 'a word'
the monkey - that which is communicated unconsciously / non-verbally....monkeys communicate with sounds. This is like the essence of speech. Every spoken word is nothing but sound on air. But even if it is unintelligible, there are subtle nonverbal cues that we pick up on like tone, volume, pitch etc.
The Magus - Mercury, the Messenger. "
This is my meditation on the Magus, it felt great, i felt i connected to it much easier than to the Fool!
I am in the middle of somewhere, some foreign to me place where there is no space and no time.
My feet are tied , but my hands are moving - unwillingly, on their own accord without my desire or consent...
Dark, rich shades of purple and blue are swirling around me.
I feel the Snake above my head, protecting me - i gave her birth, she came to the existence through me.
I have no thoughts, just sensations of pleasure going through my body.
The ape comes from a Temple in a distant land.
His presence feels uncomfortable at first, he is wild, he can be dangerous.
A thought crosses my mind... "Sword"... and the sword materializes from my thoughts, i am watching it as it flows towards the Ape... The Ape reaches out to catch the flying sword, he is rather amused by it!
I see a cup in my minds eye and then i see it front of me, its also floating in the direction of the ape...
The wand, the disk, the egg come into being, the ape grabs one by one and starts juggling them first and than throwing them to me... he is playful and we start throwing objects to each other, they fly in slow motion, as if of their own will!!!
These objects ignite thoughts and i feel the Ape is reading them - and i am reading his and somehow i know that me and the Ape and the snake and objects too... were all part of a single thought in the beginning...