October 28-30, 2011: XIII - Death
(Scorpio)MEDITATION COLOR: Blue-green.
HEBREW LETTER: Nun, fish. Greek ’IChThUS = Redeemer. Kosher = no blood! Life migrating through the waters. That which thrives in water (ubiquitous inner consciousness), and cannot live long breathing air (intellect). That which is “caught” by the fishhook (Tzaddi). As a verb, NVN means “to sprout,” i.e., a budding start. Sound n suggests continuity, satisfaction, release.
CARD NAME: The roots of this Atu’s name are deep and complex. Its literal meaning is relevant here, yet surrenders profitably to vast poetic meanings that speak best to subconsciousness. Often it is associated with loss of breath or of blood (each of which has its own symbolic meanings). In etymology, it gets even more complex: “Death” comes from the Indo-European root dheu-, literally meaning “to become exhausted” or “to die;” yet an identically spelled and pronounced (but different) root dheu-, meaning “to flow, gives us dew."
ESOTERIC MEANING: The Imaginative Consciousness. It provides an Image to all created things that have an appearance, in a Form fitting to each.
TREE of LIFE: Netzach to Tiphereth. (Links ‘Victory’ and ‘Beauty’; or Desire and the Ego-center. The old personality slain to complete the transfer of consciousness to Tiphereth.)
ESOTERIC TITLE: The child of the Great Transformers, the Lord of the Gate of Death
TANTRIC & ALCHEMICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Love under will. Sexuality; resurrection.
DIVINATION: Transformation, change, metamorphosis; whether voluntary or involuntary, it is always as a logical development of existing conditions, yet perhaps sudden and unexpected. Or death, destruction (only rarely; and such an interpretation is illusory). Especially, sudden and quite unexpected change or evolution of circumstances. Redemption through putrefaction.
93 All,
First off a couple of questions.
I am assuming it is o.k. to drop in from time to time, yes?
My Thoth deck isn’t this vibrant, which deck are you using Shadoniee?Off the cuff: I love the way the legs are shaped, It suggests a spinning creative motion to me. What I don’t understand is the reasoning for all the connecting lines?
Hey Ankh,
You can drop in as frequently or as infrequently as you like.
I have to clean up that I haven't set aside time to actually meditate on the last two cards which is completely out of integrity. However, what has been happening is that the events in my life have been directly correlating to the trumps. The experience feels like the energy of one card is weaving into the next. There is a visceral experience to this as well.
I'm not scanning my deck. I am googling the images of the cards and selecting the most vivid images I can find which is why some trumps have been larger and more vivid than others.
As an aside, I just got off the phone with one of my younger brothers (a Tropical Scorpio at that). He got his girlfriend pregnant and now they are scrambling to get the money to pay for an abortion.
As far as the lines are concerned, I would say they represent the bondage of material reality and perhaps the Khu even. Also, consider that the skeletal system is attributed to Saturn/Binah and the implications of such.
"Quote Shadoniee: You can drop in as frequently or as infrequently as you like. "
Thanks!"Quote Shadoniee: I have to clean up that I haven't set aside time to actually meditate on the last two cards which is completely out of integrity."
Out of integrity..LOL. That's called life. If I may make a suggestion? I used to carry a deck with me wherever I went. That way I could cover those days when I was working late or had a change in my routine.
"Quote Shadoniee: However, what has been happening is that the events in my life have been directly correlating to the trumps. The experience feels like the energy of one card is weaving into the next. There is a visceral experience to this as well. "
That has been my experience also. What I’ve found truly beneficial from prolonged meditations on the tarot, is the ability to call up an image on demand. If I need guidance, I ask the Hierophant. If I am being idle, (it happens) I imagine the Tower, if I am scared and wondering WTF am I going do now! I will take it to the Devil. He always make me laugh, he is silly! What I think needs to be emphasized is this. Each one of these Atus has a very practical application in our daily life. Once the Atus are memorized along with their corresponding Qabalistic attributions it all become very useful. I like to think of it as Street Magick.
"Quote Shadoniee: I'm not scanning my deck. I am googling the images of the cards and selecting the most vivid images I can find which is why some trumps have been larger and more vivid than others."
Got it. My deck has a green tint on it and I haven’t been able to find one without it. I am open for suggestion. I can’t remember where I read this but, someone here said The Muller Thoth Deck is the best?
"Quote Shadoniee: As an aside, I just got off the phone with one of my younger brothers (a Tropical Scorpio at that). He got his girlfriend pregnant and now they are scrambling to get the money to pay for an abortion. "
I hear you (it does tie in with the Death Atu) it’s a difficult decision and life situation to be in. It happen to the best of us.
"Quote Shadoniee: As far as the lines are concerned, I would say they represent the bondage of material reality and perhaps the Khu even. Also, consider that the skeletal system is attributed to Saturn/Binah and the implications of such."
That’s pretty good. I was thinking that the sex act brings about growth and karmic ties that are far reaching and binding. I will give it some more thought and see what comes up. Thank you for the reply Shadoniee it is appreciated.
"Got it. My deck has a green tint on it and I haven’t been able to find one without it. I am open for suggestion. I can’t remember where I read this but, someone here said The Muller Thoth Deck is the best?"
OMG!!! Ankh!!!! You have a so-called "greenie"???!!! ITS THE MOST VALUABLE COLLECTIBLE THOTH EDITION OUT THERE!!! You got lucky!!! Wow, i envy you!!!!
First day spent with DEATH, i had flashbacks of Neil Jordan's movie, the Crying Game... and one dialogue in particular:
Fergus: Well... there's this scorpion, you see, and he wants to go across a river. Well, he can't swim so he goes to this frog, who naturally enough can swim. And he says: "Excuse me, Mr. Froggy. I want to go across the river."So the frog accepts the idea.
The scorpion hops on the frog's back. Suddenly, the frog feels scorpion's sting!
"You stung me! Why did you do that? We are both going to die!"The scorpion looks at him and says, "I can't help it, it's in my nature..."
Fergus: Well... there's this scorpion, you see, and he wants to go across a river. Well, he can't swim so he goes to this frog, who naturally enough can swim. And he says: "Excuse me, Mr. Froggy. I want to go across the river."
So the frog accepts the idea.
The scorpion hops on the frog's back. Suddenly, the frog feels scorpion's sting!
"You stung me! Why did you do that? We are both going to die!"The scorpion looks at him and says, "I can't help it, it's in my nature..."**
(original soundtrack)*I know all there is to know about the crying game
I've had my share of the crying gameFirst there are kisses, then there are sighs
And then before you know where you are
You're sayin' goodbyeOne day soon I'm gonna tell the moon about the crying game
And if he knows maybe he'll explainWhy there are heartaches, why there are tears
And what to do to stop feeling blue
When love disappears
*The course of meditation gets an unusual twist and unexpected ending... to be continued.
"Quote magictortoise: OMG!!! Ankh!!!! You have a so-called "greenie"???!!! ITS THE MOST VALUABLE COLLECTIBLE THOTH EDITION OUT THERE!!! You got lucky!!! Wow, i envy you!!!!"
Thanks for the info magictortoise. I was originally upset when I first opened the deck years ago. LOL.
XIII-Death: It only hurts if you don’t let go…
@Ankh said
"Quote magictortoise: OMG!!! Ankh!!!! You have a so-called "greenie"???!!! ITS THE MOST VALUABLE COLLECTIBLE THOTH EDITION OUT THERE!!! You got lucky!!! Wow, i envy you!!!!"Thanks for the info magictortoise. I was originally upset when I first opened the deck years ago. LOL.
"Hehe, its the most expensive deck out there, you can sell it anytime and buy at least three regular ones (which i don't advice you on doing, as its price is just going up, its out of print. Ok, enough with the collector's talk, back to the topic...
So i connected with the Scorpio - not a problem with Scorpio raising and Stellium in the 8th house
- with the snake and the eagle; not so much with the fish, as this very kind (not sure what its called in English) is a subject of many play on words in my maternal tongue and basically is a synonym for stupidity...
Anyway, i ended up rofling at Death, as it brought about memories... of the first adult movie i've seen, being 11 or 12, and seen it accidentally that is lol!
I was with my parents at our summer house back at the time and we were watching some innocent family movie, when obviously guys in the studio mixed something up (back than we had only two state channels over here) - and they started broadcasting a porn movie?!
It was couples in some kind of bubbles, making it out as they were floating in the air... i remember my parents being totally shocked - and after couple of moments of looking totally frozen, running over each other to switch off the tv! (It was before the remote controls...)
So the energy of the card AND those bubbles/ spheres at the upper part reminded me of that episode - which i had meanwhile forgotten, and i literally rofled... -