Analysis of a number
I don't pretend to have any real experience in magick. I'm mostly focusing on just building a strong and informed mind and body before embarking on anything (also, don't have a room of my own at the moment). But in my life, I've been noticing the number 222 come up a lot. Also 22, but I have a feel of that being a less full expression. I could very well be interpreting this in a biased way, but I also get the feeling from it of a guide, but the kind you're terrified of because you know the sheer magnitude of what he represents. Also seems to provoke a bit of humor in me, but very dry and not altogether pleasant. This is all a single very specific feeling seeing this number provokes in me.
Interpret that how you will, or not at all, what I'm asking for is for someone more knowledgable to do an analysis of 222. It has only recently occurred to me that 2+2+2=6 Tiperath, which would certainly fit with the feeling it gives me. Of course, I have up to now kept no record of the appearances and my feelings at the time, so I may simply be projecting feelings on my past. The only connection with 22 I can think of is the trumps, which I'm not terribly familiar with and seem kind of unspecific in that regard. So life story out of the way, any help would be appreciated.Second, are there any resources, internet or otherwise, to make gematria and such easier?
Thanks -
Some pointers...
Look for other words from the core Qabalah with the same numeric value. For this, your primary (but not exclusive) reference would be Sepher Sephiroth. (One entry you won't find there, which I consider important, is VGBVRH, ve-Geburah.) I'm just going from memory since I'm at the office and without my personal notebooks.
Consider that number 2 may, itself, be the persistent message here.
Factor the number down to its primes. 222 = 2 x 3 x 37. Primarily this means it is part of the "37-family" of numbers, expressed through 2 and 3 (Chokmah and Binah) and/or their product, 6.
Write the number in Hebrew: Resh Kaph Beth. This is the root idea of the number. Set the Tarot cards for these three letters right to left and meditate upon them.
Ok thanks!