I've been studying the Esoteric for around a year and half now seriously, I'm 16 and have flicked through a lot of systems. Coming back each time to Kemeticsm. (My Patron deities being Anpu (Anubis) and Sekhmet)
I've studied and practiced Hermetic Alchemy (As much as I could without the Kabbalastic Philosophys), Ceremonial Magick, Sex Magick with A little Chaos Magick on the side, I and work with the Elemental entities a lot. I find Kabbalah at this time at least, not to my taste. Although I know a few scatterings of correspondences etc I can't fully remember all of them.
I'm currently working on acheiving K&C of the HGA and building a system using the Egyptian books (Book of breathing, Book of Amduat and book of Gates as well as the Book of coming forth by day) that concentrate upon building a connection to the heavens and the Lower selves.
I would Consider myself a Kemetic, Not a Pagan though. I'm here mostly to learn about Thelema in general, and the take on Kemetic deities.
I'm not some sad ass emo kid dabbling in Wicca or an Armchair theorist, I don't fully believe in Karma, although am currently unsure as to what I fully believe. I'm a hard Polytheist, unlike Many Kemetics who are Monalterists or Monotheists.
I'm interested in Goetic working, although not enochian... I'm also interested in whatever writings are available on the HGA... The name I was told was the Enochian angel of Might.. I only learned this after invoking him. wince
The next three months of my life involved monkey mind (I don't think the enochians did this, I know nothing about them even if I find there system seems to jump out at me and demand attention) trying to invoke enochians. Disrupting my meditation to the point I was meditating at most three times a week.. Luckily a few months ago that problem ended and I've been back on the fast track since!!
Well thats enough bitching for now, HI!!!!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Oh, well that's interesting.
I'm 17, and a "Kemetic"(I've never encountered that term before) as well.
It's odd to be finding another teenager here with so much in common between paths. As you mentioned, most of our young peers in the western world are pimply wanna-be Satanists or hapless Wiccans, so a heart-felt kid on the Path is a breath of fresh air to be sure.
My patron deities are Djehuti and Maat. Her and I make Art and Sounds in Michigan.
I work in a pardigm that is a cohesion of Khem's Sacred Science and Chaos Magick, as presented in "The Octavo" by Peter J. Carroll. I saw a connection between the Primeval Ogdoad of Hermopolis and the eight equations or 'spells' of The Octavo, the Neteru of the Ogdoad being animistic personifications of the natural forces represented in the equations, so the Chaos of the future melted like butter into the Order of the past.
Not to say I don't know my Qabalah, I was just convinced that the Four Worlds of the Kemetic view(Manu, Aakhut, Rostau, and Ament) are more satisfying than the Four of Qabalah(Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah), after practical application. It seems everything is just diluted Egypt. Though, the first thing I ever tried my hand at in Magick was the Enochian system. It had that same draw, combined with some odd dreams. I own the Goetia, but I find no use for it, or elementals as a whole. I use servitors and sigils. My principle working book right now is the Hebet En Ba(the book of the service of the soul) and I recite from it daily.
I also accept Ra-Hoor-Khuit(Harakhte) as the lord of the present Aeon, and so Thelema as the initiating current at this point in time, which is why this forum has been immensely helpful to me.I hope it is for you too