February 17-19, 2012: 4 of Sowrds
(Previously called “Rest From Strife”)
Four of SwordsMeditation Pattern: Place Atu X, Fortune, and Atu VIII, Adjustment, side-by-side, with the 4 of Swords above them.
Traditional Description: Four swords, two extending from each side of the image, cross in the center. The rose of five petals with white radiations is reinstated on the point of their intersection. Above and below, on the points of two small daggers, are the symbols of Jupiter and Libra, representing the Decanate.
Chesed of Air: Convalescence, recovery, restoration. Stabilizing change for the better. Relief from anxiety, refuge from mental chaos, rest from strife. Authority in the intellectual world; establishment of dogma, convention, standardization.
Jupiter/Libra: Rest from strife; yet after it and through it. Peace from and after strife; resolution of conflicts, bestowing calm; a sense of justice. Quietness, rest, ease, popularity, plenty, yet after struggle. Goods of this life; social enjoyment; abundance.
Chesed/Jupiter + Jupiter: (Reinforces all Jupiter traits.)
http://pturing.firehead.org/occult/thelema/libri/The Book of Thoth/thoth/swords04.jpg
Footnote for this card:
"Within this Decanate is the Exaltation of Saturn (21° Libra)."
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