Teen Xian girls perform exorcisms
Comments, anyone??
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:50AM
Brynne and Tess, both 17, and Savannah, 20, all have different stories as to what drew them into performing exorcisms. Brynne is the daughter of Reverend Bob Larson, who helps spiritually guide people, and who has helped train the three girls in the spiritual implications of performing the ritual."I had my dad right beside me the whole way," says Brynne of her first exorcism, which took place in a church in Africa when she was 13. "I'd been around this my whole life, I knew what was going on, and he really walked me through it and helped me with it."
Tess performed her first exorcism after going through training for about a year, which she says helps her know what to look for to determine if a person is possessed, such as rapidly dilating pupils.
Video & more: www.andersoncooper.com/2012/02/27/how-the-teens-got-involved-in-exorcism/#ixzz1nn7DdOZD
Attempting to disect the psychology from the spirituality in an exorcism was the beginning of the path that led me here.
When I was an adolescent, an Italian attempted to perform an excorsim on me.
I laughed, and told him that I did not believe he had the power to liberate me from my demon, and that if I did not believe he was capable, then their would be no way my psyche would allow him to release me.
Of course, I didn't think I needed an excorsism....
I thought he was butting into my business.As for this family....
Who am I to say, maybe the people they work on really want them, and are of the mindset that they need this service. They think they are doing good, they seem well fed, clean, loved and educated....lot more then many children growing up in the world today...
Do what thou wilt.
I think those girls are having a blast. And that they are full of themselves.
So many teenagers are interested in the occult, this is the christian way to involve oneself.
Teenage girls have long been known to be able to liberate people, mainly of their sanity, composure and cash. I think it's only fitting they use their gifts on the forces of hell, as that's where they received them to begin with.
@RhiH said
"Teenage girls have long been known to be able to liberate people, mainly of their sanity, composure and cash. I think it's only fitting they use their gifts on the forces of hell, as that's where they received them to begin with. "
Haha! My last serious girl was 19 when I met her. I assure you she liberated me from much more than sanity, composure, and cash -- those things are FUN to be liberated from anyway.
Those are gifts from heaven AND hell. I like my feet and my [****] in both!
There are many wealthy Tories here in the UK who would pay good money for the services of these ladies.
"Out Satan! Out!"
"Kick me in the nuts again!"