Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Greetings, fellow incarnates. My name is James and I am a 27 y/o residing in the state of Maryland. I grew up on a produce farm, yet I couldn't tell you the proper way to plant a field of corn. No, I spent most of my youth wandering through the forest, staring up at the sky, and on my hands and knees watching the little insects go about their business. I suppose I'd say I'm the black sheep of my family; I never quite understood the way most people think. My mother and father never went to church, nor did they have any obvious ties to religion, but they held a belief for the Christian God. My aunt and uncle, on the other hand, were devout Christians and toted my sister and I off to church every Sunday. I never felt quite right there and would tend to zone out into my own world. When I was about 12 years old or so, I gave quite a lot of thought to the idea of God and finally admitted to myself how ridiculous it was everything that I had been told. From that moment, I considered myself an atheist. Throughout the years, I'd spend my free time contemplating the universe and questioning everything everyone else took for fact. Needless to say, I didn't have many friends; people don't like having their world shaken up. I never did well in school, but it wasn't due to any lack of knowledge. I didn't like sitting in the classrooms or taking tests to prove what I knew. In my teen years, the internet found me and blew my mind out of my skull. I found a plethora of information at my fingertips and... music. Music with lyrics that echoed the thoughts of my own mind. I fell into the world of black metal and couldn't get enough. At the age of 20, I moved away from home and shacked up with a couple of buddies I had known for years. I tried marijuana for the first time and I was finally able to open up, socially. I made a bunch of friends, but I wasn't satisfied. Something was missing. I wanted more. Perhaps I wanted to see the world? I joined the Navy, only to find that I didn't like being told what to do. So, after 10 months, I feigned insanity and made my way back to Maryland. Two weeks after coming home, I met my wife. Somehow, I found the other half of my brain and she grew up an hour from where I had. Fast forward a bit... I'm still a music freak and last year, my favorite band, a French band under the name of Blut Aus Nord (they don't publish any of their lyrics), released the first album of a trilogy titled 777. I researched the number and made my way to Aleister Crowley. I had come across the name many times before, but had never delved further. After researching The Book of the Law and Book 4 for a good year, suddenly all of Blut Aus Nords song titles were making sense to me. For example, from their album "Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity," the song titles are:
- Enter (The Transformed God Basement)
- Level-1 (Nothing is)
- Level-2 (Nothing is Not)
- Level-3 (Nothing Becomes)
- Exit (Towards the Asylum)
Currently, I spend most of my time with my face in Crowley books and playing guitar, though, not at the same time. I have yet to practice any rituals as I don't feel I possess enough knowledge. However, I am well aware of the fact that I'll never be satisfied with what I know (or what I think I know). I'll just have to suck it up and try my hand. I'm one of those people that won't assemble anything until I've read over the instruction booklet.
All in all, I'm just another personality in the universal schizophrenic mind.Also, if anyone has an interest -
Ah, the glory of Art!
Tool brought me here, into the wonderful world of taking responsibility for our realities.
This kind of uptake(one of guitar and Crowley books) is quite familiar to me, and I hope you have as much fun as I did. -
Yes, Tool! Another great band. I'm glad to have found an internet community of like minds. I'm much more loose than my initial post leads on and I don't speak nearly as well in vocal conversation. However, with a keyboard, I have much more time to organize my thoughts.
Welcome to the forum
You're one of the few people I've ever seen mention Blut Aus Nord.
I'm also partial to black metal, though rather than such "true black metal" stuff as 1349, Mayhem, Emperor, Gorgoroth, Marduk, etc. I prefer things along the lines of the newer wave of black metal and related fusions, death metal, industrial, trance, hip-hop, and weird electronica. My favorite bands are Psyclon Nine, Behemoth, X-Fusion, and Rockettothesky.
(With that said, Suicide's music is rather well produced, and I can dig it.)
As far as newer things involving black metal go... I'm also a fan of Anorexia Nervosa, Dimmu Borgir (who probably hasn't been producing "black metal" for some time now), The Black Dahlia Murder, Illnath, Naglfar (before Jens Ryden left) and to some degree, Dissection and Melechesh.
93, 93/93.