Addition of "in full" letter spellings
Consider that the value of a Hebrew letter is the value of its name spelled in full (e.g., Aleph = ALP = 111 or, with Peh-final, 831).
In 13 instances, the sum of two of these letter values equals a third letter. I provide the list in case anyone wants to undertake the practice of meditating them.
Hey + Zayin = Gimel (6+67=73)
Vav + Gimel = Peh (12+73=85)
Heh + Kaph = Nun (6+100=106)
Yod + Kaph = Samekh (20+100=120)
Heh + Tav = Beth (6+406=412)
Heh + Beth = Cheth (6+412=418)
Vav + Tav = Cheth (12+406=48)
Lamed + Shin = Daleth (74+360=434)
Tzaddi + Tav = Resh (104+406=510)
Mem + Resh = Samekh (90+510=600)
Zayin + Mem = Zayin (67+650=717)
Nun + Mem = Nun (106+650=756)
A'ayin + Mem = A'ayin (130+650=780) -
You're counting Heh as 6 not 10?
Yes. Not that many years ago, I finally got around to noticing (registering) that only in the G.D.-derived lists is Heh spelled HH. In every Hebrew lexicon I have, every Rabbinical reference, it is spelled HA.
This has some very interesting consequences. Besides Heh itself enumerating to 6 (in the same way that 6 is the Mystic Number of Binah), YH (Yod Heh) spelled in full is 20 + 6 = 26, exactly the same as YHVH.
The main point, though, is that it's the correct spelling