The Still Dance [RITUAL]
In a place DARK and SECRET:
Prepare a wooden bowl
Burn incense of ShivaGo to a place OPEN and FULL OF LIGHT
Meditate on Silence and His Name
Purify with waterReturn to that place DARK and SECRET:
Turn on the light
Consecrate by Fire
Banish -
Very interesting, since Shiva has connotations to the original creator God in the Universe, the "uttered" Tao, if you will, (yes I know the Tao is unutterable
Where did this come from? Is it a rare gem from Crowley, or did the elves, salamanders, undines and Faes lead you to write it, or maybe your HGA?
It seems you could combine this with Liber resh, first part noon, second part midnight.
Apr 16, 2012, 5:30 PM
Apr 16, 2012, 9:30 PM