Simplified explanation help
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Hello, I recently had a friend who has no knowledge of magic ask for a simple explanation of how it works. In trying to simplify it, I came up with (or re-discovered, if it has been already used unknowingly) a diagram. I'm hoping Jim, or anyone could tell me if it is correct or lacking or otherwise faulty.
How I came to explain certain tricks or irrational behaviours in magic, (such as the result seeming to spring out of a series of events- set in motion well before the "spell") was to draw a triangle. The Apex, I explained was the unity, or spiritual Center. The line below represented space and time, both opposing corners at the ends of this line were the past and future. The line itself would then be comparable to the conscious present, which is continually under the Apex above.
The idea of the diagram was to try and show that when we send up into this spiritual point our desire or aim of our working, it gradually (if done properly of course) manifests downward into the line from the apex above. Here it shows how the apex is the origin of the downward flowing lines that create the past and future and so also our present. So the omnipresent point (apex) is able to bring about the chance events that manifest our magical desire outside the restraints of time and space. To the observer however this appears irrational and takes on the appearance of dumb luck or coincedence.
Does this seem correct? My friend, after this simplified overview got it almost instantly! It seemed so perfect of an explanation for several areas (such as the mechanices of divination) that I worried maybe I was missing something, or else why would this not already be a common diagram in occult literature?
Thanks for your help! Let me know if I can use this again and not somehow mislead others.
Love is the law, love under will.
The aspirant,
inflamed through prayer,
rises unto the Highest;
The process transmutes: a Cup: on Will we sup
Raining down as consciousness!
To feed black soils, a flower grows
Ah! The beauty!
Of patience, as it unfolds
Petal, by petal
A Star and a Rose -
@Uni_Verse said
"The aspirant,
inflamed through prayer,
rises unto the Highest;
The process transmutes: a Cup: on Will we sup
Raining down as consciousness!
To feed black soils, a flower grows
Ah! The beauty!
Of patience, as it unfolds
Petal, by petal
A Star and a Rose"Uni_Verse,
Nice little poem, I like it.