Securing the home
I was reading through discussions on LBRP and came across this statement...
@Jim Eshelman said
I'm heading for the airport soon, and don't have time for a long discussion, but will make a few remarks. Some people don't secure their living place at all, though I generally recommend it. If you do, then that's a separate issue from consecrating your temple. Usually the overall place should be protected first and then, once you're settled in, further consecrate the space that is to be reserved for your sanctuary.
Usually the external premises and doorways should be secured. That's easier with a house, harder with an apartment. There are some particular tricks and devices (and these vary with traditions - consider the mazuzah for a variant). This is one of those few places where the Wiccan tradition a much better developed magical practical repertoire than most other magical traditions.
Would anybody care to go deeper into the details of how I should go about securing my entire home? There is a lot of weird phenomena that has been going on, such as knocking on the walls, doors opening/closing on their own, noises, etc., and my wife and daughter aren't really too happy about it. It usually scares them and they've been having a hard time sleeping because of it. I know the weird is pretty much to be expected, but since I never did anything to protect the house (I didn't know I was suppose to) I was thinking it may help.
How old is your daughter?
@Jim Eshelman said
"How old is your daughter?"
She's 4.
@Frater INRI said
"In your opinion, what did you do to help this situation manifest?"
Hmm... everything? I don't know. All I really do is study, meditate, some asana and light pranayama, occasionally work with the tarot, but that's about it.
I had a roommate for a while that was into chaos magick, but I don't think he ever took it further than playing with sigils.
I don't really know what to make of any of it, and for the most part I just try to ignore it the best I can. I know LBRP will probably help (I was actually looking for the threads about the AGLA "blind" when I came across the statement about protecting the house before practicing).
OK, we've mostly ruled out the daughter as the trigger. (I was wondering if she was around puberty.)
I then agree totally with the next question you were asked - you and your wife shouldd see to your general psychic, emotional purity. (I don't mean that in a moralistic way, but in a reduced-conflict and internal integrity way.) Yes, start or continue a once or twice daily regimen of the banishing pentagram ritual (commit to a month of this). Yes, undertake quiet meditation and work to establish a zone of peace in the home. If compatible with the home and its occupants, burn a modest amount of a general purpose high-vibration incense daily.
Try these things first.
There are deeper levels of addressing "where are you leaving open psychic vulnerabilities." (Unless the physical location has a history of anchoring negative energies or outright haunting, then what you are feeling is the result of people currently living there.) The Denning & Phillips book on psychic self-defense is the best-rounded reference on this (and it's available now on Kindle as well as in physical book form).
I won't get into "house blessing" stuff yet - the above is the preliminary work for that in any case. Also, if we have to develop something more detailed, the first thing we need to know is whether it's a house or apartment.
@Jim Eshelman said
"I won't get into "house blessing" stuff yet - the above is the preliminary work for that in any case. Also, if we have to develop something more detailed, the first thing we need to know is whether it's a house or apartment."
I'm sorry, it's a house. I should have mentioned that at the beginning.
Also, what would be an example of the type of incense you mentioned?
@00000 said
"Also, what would be an example of the type of incense you mentioned?"
Frankincense, good quality sandalwood, Mayan copal (which is very purifying), sage (if that's to your liking, but use it lightly), a particularly good quality jasmine - just to mention a few. Also, the high-end Tibetan temple blends.
The idea isn't to have an "incense heavy" feel, but to use it kinda like air freshener and to set a pleasant psychological tone that admits to the more subtle psychological and astral adjustments.
That's a long answer and I'm at work
Nothing prepared or standard. I usually create this in interaction with a particular individual (or couple or family) in a particular setting.
But the main point right now is that you don't want to take that bigger, permanent step until you've done this preliminary work. Short of a particular house requiring an exorcist, the main step is for the residents to make it balanced and habitable and secure by making themselves that way - and then to (figuratively) put better locks on the doors and windows. You don't want to do the lockdown without paying attention to what you're locking in with you, because of your own present psychic orientation.
With fall on the horizon, I would suggest to you to to clean yur enite house, to declutter, dust wash the walls move the furniture and use elbow grease to get the nooks and cranies. I like to put some special made cleansing oils that i blend together in the wash water.
Visualization can be immensly effective when cleaning, as well as singing.
After the house interior is cleaned and cleared out as best as you can ( letting go of things you no longer need or value) disperse incense, sage is espicially powerfull, starting at the front door saging the threshold, and moving through the home sageing all corners, closets, nooks, windows ect. If you have a helper, the helper can beat a hand drum throughout the house as well.The oriental art of FengShui is a fantastic tool to Understand how energy flows through your home, where it may collect and where it may not, i always think it is a good idea to look into your front placements when dealing with unwelcome bumpings and such.
From my expierences in helping people with this sort of stuff, i cant stress enough how important cleaning up and clearing out is to the sucessful enlimation of unwanted things.
When I first started experimenting with magick and ritual my girlfriend and I experienced a whole series of encounters with low-level entities in and around the house. Her experiences were significantly more frequent than mine and also more pronounced and disturbing. These events rarely lasted more than a few seconds, but when they did I was always capable of banishing them. I also tried using the Golden Dawn's Ritual of the Rose Cross which seemed to smooth out and tone down the energies quite a bit, though much more for her than me. Having her witness and participate in some of my ritual work also seemed to help a great deal. It should also be noted that we moved (to another state entirely, in fact) during this period. The events began again in the new apartment almost immediately. I continued to banish regularly and perform the Ritual of the Rose Cross when she was feeling particularly ill at ease, and these events eventually slowed down and ceased to occur almost completely.
It would over time become clear that she was naturally sensitive to subtle energies and the like, and would later--after our relationship had ended and we had ceased living together--go on to have some remarkable results with the Tarot, which actually brought many of the same disturbing phenomena back up. Because she was not willing to work with ceremonial magical techniques, I ended up helping her learn to cleanse her space with sage while doing some simple visualizations, as well as having her perform an impromptu license to depart after each of her readings.
I have heard similar stories from other magician friends of mine. It usually seems to begin around the time of their first real magical results and then end when they become reasonably comfortable working with magical energy. One of these friends also reported that he had at another time experienced what he considered to be a true haunting. He said that the two experiences were very different things. In the case of the "haunting" he reported that the entity encountered seemed to be genuinely sentient, stable and would appear in the same form repeatedly, unlike his earlier experiences which seemed to be some kind of half-formed astral detritus (which is about how I would describe what I encountered as well).
I would like to add that one of the most empowering and educational teachings I have received was in regards to the Phantom DNA expeirments in Russia, and that I believe many if not all phenomena we expierence on this plane is because of this effect.