Priestess card? Thoth deck.
Is the Priestess tarot card associated with any of the Aethyrs? Or any holy book?
Thank you.
That's an opinion question - no official answer
I'd say the 2nd Aethyr and Liber L. Chapter 1.
Well, I think I have a reference, The Vision and the Voice, The Cry of the 17th Aethyr:
And a great voice cries: Behold the Queen of Heaven, how she hath woven her robes from the loom of justice. For as that straight path of the Arrow cleaving the Rainbow became righteousness in her that sitteth in the hall of double truth, so at last is she exalted unto the throne of the High Priestess, the Priestess of the Silver Star, wherein also is thine Angel made manifest. And this is the mystery of the camel that is ten days in the desert, and is not athirst, because he hath within him that water which is the dew distilled from the the night of Nuit. Triple is the cord of silver, that it may be not loosed; and three score and half a score and three is the number of the name of my name, for that the ineffable wisdom, that also is of the sphere of the stars, informeth me. Thus am I crowned with the triangle that is about the eye, and therefore is my number three. And in me there is no imperfection, because through me descendeth the influence of TARO. And that is also the number of Aiwass the mighty Angel, the Minister of Silence.
Were all the tarot trumps inspired by the aethyrs of the Vision and the Voice?
Thank you.
That's a good catch. The 17th Aethyr vision is about Atu 18, The Moon, and addresses Luna at its three levels on the tree so some Gimel and Yesod get in there along with the Qoph (and some in direct Samekh-Diana along they way).
The Aethyr itself is an expression of Netzach in Yetzirah. But Crowley's Venus (probably for astrological reasons) experienced it more in lunar terms. Read my chapter on this in Visions & Voices. It breaks things down in detail.
Yes, many trump designs were drawn by Harris from V&V.
PS - The above is a fun little example of the different windows through which we perceive and respond.
You're a visual artist. I know this very well. Yet it never - never! - occurred to me when you asked about an aethyr or holy book corresponding to the Priestess that you meant the image on the card. I took your question to be entirely about other things - symbolic correspondences, placement on the Tree and the sequence of the journey, conceptual matters, etc. etc. - but it never occurred to me that you were asking about the picture.
That, of course, is my shortsightedness, not yours.
Thank you.
What does "Atu" mean? I see it in association with the Thoth deck only, right? Not other decks.
Also, where do I find "Liber LIfe" ? I am not familiar with it.
Thank you. -
@AliceKnewI said
"What does "Atu" mean? I see it in association with the Thoth deck only, right? Not other decks."
It's an old term for the trumps. It's not unique to the THoth deck, but Crowley is pretty much the only person in modern times to use it noticeably.
The prevailing theory is that the word Atu comes from the French a tout, which, used in context of card games, means that the trumps "take all."
"Also, where do I find "Liber LIfe" ? I am not familiar with it."
Typo that I've corrected. (Auto-correct on my tablet, while bouncing along on a city bus answering the post - it convert "L." to "Life." LOL)
I just meant Liber L.