@whiskers said
"OK If one is using the Enterer in the same point"
One generally would not be; however, to answer your question...
"do you visualise yourself going through the Pentagram"
No. First of all, the pentagrams are traced at an infinite distance, so that they always remain "in front" of you. In any case, one doesn't pierce them.
"Is it also good practice to trace the circle from center to center of each pentagram or can one leave it out."
Trace it. (One could make up ritual where one doesn't do that; but it's not this ritual.
"What effect does this have either way once rituals are done "
The circle does many things, one of which is to give cohesion to the whole. It's a symbol of Nuit - a zero or circumference - complemented by your position at the center.
"LIRP....Once one has invoked say Earth ..Spirit..Inv.Earth Pentagram ....Sign .....does one go through the invoked pentagram in the form of the sign travelling or is ones Aura being transformed by the rays of the pentagram and again if you are in a particular quarter is it best to trace a circle from center to center."
Huh? Possibly I'm not understanding you. In any case, you're making a simple thing unnecessarily complicated. (And wonder if you mean the Lesser Invocing Ritual; it sounds like you're describing the Supreme.)
When invoking an element (or, for that matter, a planet or whatever), you are attuning your consciousness to the 'frequency' of that principle - dialling up the right TV station, so to speak.
Yes, the names are vibrated aloud - ideally with a specific type of magician voice that is both sonorous and creates a literal vibration in the physical body.
The "Breathe in deeply through the nostrils" bit is from the instructions for section III, 3, "The Vibration of God-names".
The LRP is in section IV, and the instructions just say "vibrate".
That's true of the technique called "Vibration of Divine Names by the Formula of the Middle Pillar,taught in Liber O as a method of identifying with a God-idea. But that's not what you're doing in the Pentagram Ritual. Just touch the center of the pentagram with your fingers or implement and vibrate the name.
Well thank you for this, I have been practising the ritual wrong for years now lol A lot of authors need to be told what I have just been told because they publish the vibration of the God names with the LBRP and instruct you to use it with that ritual.
My vocal chords are in my throat, so I kind of have to vibrate from there but I get what your saying. Practice and intention can cause the vibration to resonate with different parts of the body.