The Matter and Semantic of Spirits.
Or as a map of human consciousness it's looked at from the bottom up.
Malkuth: I am a man of earth and flesh. I know my body. I understand the need to work. I feel hunger and cold and heat and all these things. Perhaps that is all there is?
followed by
Yesod: I believe this is how the world works. Someone or something seems to be behind it all. There's a great deal that seems invisible about it, how fascinating.
balanced with
Hod & Netzach
Hod: These are the rules behind this seeming order I perceive. Cause leads to effect. If I do this, I have come to expect that. 1+1=2. Blue is a good color to wear when I want to influence people in a positive, beneficiary way.
Netzach: I have these feelings about all this. One seems to follow the other, and my emotional rate is quite palpable and comparative to what else is around me. I also have a sense that the conditions of others and their emotions, these things seem directly influential as well. Even inanimate things now have personality!and so on up the Tree.
Your physical and aethyrial dimensions also change and evolve as these thoughts evolve, going up the tree.
Here, viewing the universe at Malkuth, we are not even Ishim yet, or individual, balanced souls of flame. Our bodies will eventually be tossed, turned, pulled, and pushed through the divine Fire to become these Ishim.
This is all a very lengthy process that one might grasp if one is having problems feeling out their own personal definition of the Tree in their mind.
After humans, elves, and finally Ishim, we are expected to climb the tree, (and have to, by ALL means, unless you wish to fall down and down into the dusk of death and become at best a black brother, at worst a weak one.)
So there's not just integrating experience of the other sephiroth in mind, emotion and body here at Malkuth, but the mountain of Abeignus we must climb certainly takes the form of the sephiroth and paths of the Tree.
Kerubs, what we will become after climbing to Yesod, are described almost erroneously in the old testament as having four wings. Later on in the bible, I forget exactly where but Revelations is one of the places, Kerubim are described as having six wings, just like the Seraphim.
If a visionary, (
), prophet in the old testament, probably "eating the grass of the Arabs", and "Manna," had a dimension of the universe hidden from him for his own psychological protection, you can imagine the games we animals play to keep the truth of the Tree and all that goes with it from blasting us with that Divine Light.
The man needs a dose of what Nuit has strangely to offer.
Of course I mean Love, balance, and a circumference view of the Universe as a whole. Love must be kept in the mind as the reason for doing anything and everything, being the Law of the Universe.
I love Pie.
Have not checked out Lloyd Pie though, Miss Dara.
From what I can gather at a first glance is he is one of the chosen to release information to those who wish to know more. Now, we must remember the divine patterns of this when contemplating:
For David Icke, and many like him, are "placed" where they are by those who control information. However, many things I have read by him corroborate with my experiences.
[I used to be obsessed with "aliens" when I was younger, mainly because they entered my room at night when I was very young, dragged me out of my bed, into flying machines, tied me down on metallic chairs and tables, and did their little theatrical dance of "fear" in front of me to try to help me coordinate myself while in the most agonizing, terrible fear. Physically, the "greys" are future versions of ourselves from a f@!ked tangent where we tried to take over the power of the Sun with technology.
They come back in time to try to correct this mistake, they themselves trapped in a place where they are forced to collect genetic "life material" from us, their past selves, in order to survive. So no more meat, no more veggies, just fluids from humans and cows. Every once in awhile, a farmer military personnel will find a completely drained human in areas close to White Sands and whatnot, letting those who know, know that they are uncontrollably persistent in "survival", and that they will probably go very far to do so. A warning.
Since then, I have come to the realization that they are illusory aspects of ourselves that we must try to balance with these strange drugs, meditation, Magick and Kabbala.]Honestly, I stopped watching these kind of things years ago, however I still watch or read something like this once in awhile to let myself know how far I have come from my fear of the unknown.
(They scared me so bad as a child I could not sleep in my own room until I was six or seven. My dad, ironically, has had plenty of experiences, was the lead investigator for MUFON in our state, but when I identified pictures of greys as the reason I could not sleep in my room, he only responded with, "Oh, you're just having nightmares. Just forget about it." Making me feel completely alone in the predicament.Interesting story, when I was seventeen, I ate lysergic acid diethylamide for the second time, this time combining it with cannabis, and the first vision I had, unexpectedly, was an entire legion of greys, billions of them, all around me, which might have made me void my bowels if not on the acid, for I took one good scary look around, got bored of them, rose above them, the vision of them dropping off and disappearing. I have not had fear of them since that amazing night.
Star-f#!ked is a word I came up with that night to describe my state of being.
I note that your reply was number 93.
I bid thee a fair day, Miss Dara.
Well Dara, from what I can gather there are many greys in the Universe. And yes, after the huge technological/nuclear fkup, they needed the Annunaki to hook up their genetics right, in order to survive. Happens to a lot of species, including us.
A huge revelation if you would be interested, Miss Dara, the Annunaki are just "future" versions of greys that are a part of an even bigger disaster, though they have some leverage in Creation. They fixed their own genes, if you catch me.
This ties directly into the theory that when people eat animals, they eat another being's body, another soul's physical incarnation. When people eat plants, they are just eating a part of themselves that their souls are connected directly to.
It's really just divinity's way of slowing down the process of creation so we can catch up. What's wrong with a "lesser", slave future version of yourself burning up as long as you are made to survive by it. Everything is enveloped by fire to evolve, nature is trying to take it easy on us.
From all else I can gather, the greys from zeta reticuli used to be like us, ended up making millions of planets of their past selves to devour, took way too much advantage of nature's leeway, and lost their connection to "regular" incarnation, no genetic material to eat, just gradually falling deeper in space where the fire will eventually devour them.
"We", as Earthlings, still have a chance to turn this horrible catastrophe around, and our current social and magical resonance proves this. We can certainly feel some uncertain disaster in the works of the future, however we can feel the Great Work, and it's divine power of evolution well above what we, as Earthlings, would consider catastrophic.
Now you've got me commenting on pure illusion.
Love Is the Law, Love under Will
It has been a very interesting afternoon for myself, to say the least. I have not thought about this subject matter in a while.
I do appreciate your wit, wisdom and knowledge, and must thank you for the opportunity to remember and talk of these silly things I used to have unsure thoughts about.
We must remember the underlying theme to everything. There's no such thing as reptilians, greys, horse-people, or even human beings. Just a lot of confused spirits learning to coordinate themselves at this level after bidding themselves to forget what true existence was like as a Holy Guardian Angel.
Thank you, Miss Dar.
@ThelemicMage said
We must remember the underlying theme to everything. There's no such thing as reptilians, greys, horse-people, or even human beings. Just a lot of confused spirits learning to coordinate themselves at this level after bidding themselves to forget what true existence was like as a Holy Guardian Angel. "That one's not said enough! Amen and amen and amen.
The same can be said of "ghosts" in this realm that do not realize they are dead.
Some wander aimlessly in the cold, dark, windy after-death realm. Some hallucinate in constant illusion, continuing the work or life they led before they died.
There is a light, "in", or just past the after-death realm. Some "psychics" and movies like Poltergeist would lead us to believe that this light is "heaven", "paradise", or "home". One would certainly see a connection to "home", since after reincarnation, one is in the home of the soft, warm, pink womb.
Charging into the unknown into that great Light after death brings one to the forty nine days of the great journey of death-into-life. This is the reason that Catholics think it takes 49 days for a fetus to get a "soul". This is also the reason that DMT shows up in the mouth of the fetus forty nine days after conception, gradually moving up to where it forms the pineal gland. Basically, your soul sung it's great Song of Life into it's next incarnation, Light itself is sung. (One might try DMT if it is one's will to fathom singing light.)
"Here we have a series of Oneness, expressed in manifold beauty."
Not like I intend to comment on illusion again, fair Dara, but I would like to throw this linear "map" your way:
Humans, first level evolved animals that can talk, walk on two legs, reason with enhanced capacity, etc. (Not that many animals don't have reasoning capacity well beyond most human beings.)
Greys, "future" humans who screwed up by firing a huge nuclear laser around the sun to try to gain it's power. Survive on genetic material of humans.
Annunaki, reptilian aliens just above the level of greys, that can actually incarnate themselves into human bodies. I'll let you in on a huge deal, Miss Darr. The annunaki are reptilian because of the huge deal with Fire, if you catch me. Fire, seraphim, reptilian flying fiery creatures, you catch me. You are correct on your assumption of evolution of Annunaki. They will eventually evolve into what a human would term as seraphim. (However one must not directly map this idea with the Geburah sephira seraphim.)
Now, Annunaki eat a substance a human might term as "space fluid". This "fluid" is a combination of many levels of greys that have fallen into the fire and their energy, (for god sakes it can't be that horrible can it?), is eaten up by the Annunaki. The universal cloak and joke on this is that the Annunaki are just devouring "lower" levels of themselves like this, making it even harder for them to evolve properly, though they need this "fluid" to survive.
That's the open idea on this. One might say that any creature can evolve past what they are and do so with help of divine intervention, (HGA, Federation of Planets, etc, Angels, etc.) if it is worth the weight of the Universe(s).
We must not forget, that there are levels above Annunaki that feed on the evolving/burning Annunaki, (being just "future" versions of themselves as well.) However, as you've noted, Annunaki are closer to humans in a flowing genetic way than any other kind of "space fluid" devouring/related alien. This is what gives them their leverage in creation.
Now this excludes all races of the Light like the Antari, Andromedan, Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian races. These are all helpful races of beings from our own Universe that can be called on for help at any time. They help with genetic "implant" activation, crystal/electromagnetic balancing/communication, etc.
The beings in the previous paragraph do not have anything to do with rigging up horrible space-fluid hierarchies of hell where they feed of themselves.
And to think, the only aliens known to the general population are greys and annunaki.
I feel like I should dose water supplies with some of Nuit's gifts that have never killed anyone. (Does not include CIA hurling people out of windows after dosing them.) But that is a dream that will go unrealized for now.
"Not like I intend to comment on illusion again, fair Dara, but I would like to throw this linear "map" your way:"
Please take everything in the proper context.
This thread *is *about spirits, their matters and schemantics, if I am not mistaken. This pattern connects with our current conversation.
This is "serious" conversation here. Some people.
Now, I've certainly dipped my toes in the not-immediately-explainable, but they've apparently not deemed me interesting enough for a civil conversation; just playful little nudges that my rational mind has trouble scoffing at.
Though, on the subject of spirits, I've known many-a practitioner to at least partially believe the "Enochian" entities to be aliens of some sort, the sort that would kill off most of the Earth's population in a series of catastrophes so the elite remainder would be more easily controlled. These thoughts are no fun, so I don't waste my time having them. I just keep trying to remind myself that love is the Law, and continue my life as if there's at least a semblance of sanity.
You're right about needing to confront fear; fear is a mind killa!!
@Frater Potater said
"Wow it didn't take long for this conversation to go no where at all...
We started to get into the idea of the Tree of Life as a system of classification, and now we are talking about aliens...
"If you do not allow your self to be caught up in the nomenclature...
Say, you instead start looking at what they are saying as an inner as opposed to outer process...
There are some interesting ideas, which do not really divulge from the topic at hand.Take for example, the notion on the future continually feeding off the past.
[ I have had an eerie calm about me despite surrounding turmoil, albeit for this emotional outburst at semantics... ]
The Mad Man said to the Flat-Lander:
LOL! WTF, n00b ; a reply, to which was replied:
"I sailed the ocean, I went a-round!"
k, whtevr n00bI tend to keep quiet about a lot of my experiences.
As people tend to immediately say :"PROVE IT!"
Now, my Ego gets real angry, asks:
"Am I your Dog? Am I to do tricks?"
My Self smiles, having experienced it
My Angel remains silent, understanding it.The problem of Proof is as follow:
I can not prove anything to You
In the end, You have to convince Your SelfYou want a concise language meeting your semantic demands?
Stop asking me for it, get off your ass AND MAKE IT YOUR GOD DAMN FUCKING SELF YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH -
Taking a straight shot at the deliberateness of my observations into typed thought:
The star-child skull, as well as the predicted, re-moulded face, looks as if it was once part of some disaster or catastrophe, but found its way back to the path of "regular", "unharmful" "human" DNA. Meaning, it was part of the disaster that our Man Crowley states caused the formation of Neptune, (which also caused ALL the other disasters we have been speaking of, all hierarchies of "aliens",) however quickly aligning and connecting itself to the "healthy", "normal" patterns of DNA that are based by healthy genetics that humans certainly have when compared to the mindf@!k of greys and whatnot.
(Dar, all the talk of "base" thought in the previous posts of yours made me think, "Well, how do you not have base thoughts of things?" The Answer came, "Acid." A simple communication from our Divine hive minds and future selves. Acid and Base.)
It actually shares some characteristics of the helpful species of beings that live in our Universe. Actually Antari came to my mind first.
We will pray for you.
Just kidding.
I believe she was referring to your element of truth. You spoke of "truths" being corresponding and complacent with one another in one of your previous posts. Then you say that you have seen Jesus and aliens. This should factor right down to the fact that everything is illusion. Therefore it is nonsense to criticize what one might think as truth, especially if you already have these ideas mapped out in your mind, consciously or subconsciously.
Frater Potater: My apologies for not being clearer with the information I placed in the brackets.
While my post had originally begun as a reply to your own, it took on a life of its own and became more of an emotional outburst directed at events occurring in my life and Work at the moment.
So I removed my initial quotes of your post and added the comment in brackets.
I did not take offense at your post, nor was it my intent to offend or attack you in anyway.
I hope that clears things up and there are no hard feelings -
@Dara Allarah said
"These days everyone feels safe with science because they think it's something that consensus truth can really get behind. Reality testing by 'the group' is useful, but there are times when it just doesn't work - and when it comes to spotting rare species or experiencing highly unusual events that are beyond the normal paradigms used in society - then it falls on it's {***}"
@Dara Allarah said
"What you seem to be missing here is that I don't feel obliged to shut up about things that consensus truth will deny. After all - I don't have a problem with processing my experiences as I've developed new paradigms for dealing with them. Just in the same way that Copernicus didn't have a problem with concluding the Earth went around the Sun - but almost everyone else did."
Please do not shut up!
So you have had experiences with non-human entities like the Annunaki, as physical beings - care to elaborate on your corresponding experiences a bit? I, for one, would be a fascinated listener/reader.
I've got this, Dara.
I was a teenager, freshly awakened by Nuit's sacraments and design, celebrating the Sun as it rose instead of dreading the horrible morning as I did when I was truly a child.
While meditating on my way to sleep in my bed, I was hit by a beam of light in my ajna chakra, my pineal gland, so bright and intense that it pulled me somewhere else. The feeling was as if I was going to end up asleep, but was jarred awake by this intense whitish light.
Immediately, I was on a metallic table lying down, surrounded by entities. The light was so bright, in the room I was in, I could not see anything but their hooded cloaks. They stood around me in a circle. The light in the "background" of the room was so bright, I could not actually "see" their faces, only the shadow of the hoods, however with my third eye I could make out they were reptilian, Annunaki.
Not much was communicated, however it all took place on a higher level. No more storytelling for now.
I'm so fuΒ’king tired of commenting on illusion!
Aliens, animals, humans, spirits, wine, sex, magick.
Fill me the cup of the Poppy circean, for all else is tragick. -
@Dara Allarah said
@ldfriend56 said
"Empirically, we can accept that human beings have access to information that, at present time, does not appear to have any physically measurable component. "Human beings? Yes - you're perfectly correct about that."
yes, I imagine I would find close to perfect agreement on this amongst any rational and honest human being. I want my map to be first and foremost honest and rational.
Consciousness? No. You can do tests on consciousness using yeast cultures (for instance)."
well that is (quite) a claim that you have made, and - even assuming this went through a peer review process and it was accepted by modern neuroscientists, there is still a problem with the actual definition of consciousness and intelligence itself - as in how do we know your experiment proves consciousness? It seems that it would depend upon a very firm and clear definition of consciousness that offered repeatable results and past quite a laborious peer review process amongst philosophers worldwide. Quite a task ahead of you no doubt!
@Uni_Verse said
I would say your understanding requires an update....
The tree is not a map to place our experiences of the subtle realms.
It is a map to place our EXPERIENCES. (<- note the period)."
well that is how I understood the tree, a filing system to place experiences. Does the tree not provide a framework with which to organize the subtle layers of experiences beyond that of everyday waking ones? Is there not Malkuth to Keter?
Where am I mistaken here?
@Bereshith said
Malkuth - physical results, sounds, materializations
Yesod - Visions, dreams
Hod - scientific knowledge, ideas
Netzach - desires"
this is where the tree breaks down for me, and I wish to see where my error is. You put 'ideas' in 'Hod' - yet to me, that's all the tree is is an idea of how to organize experiences and therefore, ideas are in every serphirot. "ideas about experiences' are still ideas, no?