Clarification on ABRHD
I was hoping for a bit of information on the five letters of Abrahadabra. The five letters that make up the word seem to be given elemental qualities; AC says "A, the Crown, B, the Wand, D, the Cup, H, the Sword, and R the RC". Ive asked before, but am still confused. Can anyone explain the significance of specifically these five letters and AC's comments in regards to the apparent elemental symbols?
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@Daegal said
"I was hoping for a bit of information on the five letters of Abrahadabra. The five letters that make up the word seem to be given elemental qualities; AC says "A, the Crown, B, the Wand, D, the Cup, H, the Sword, and R the RC". Ive asked before, but am still confused. Can anyone explain the significance of specifically these five letters and AC's comments in regards to the apparent elemental symbols? "
That was an early note - very early - before he realized that Heh is not Aries/Emperor.
But, at the time, he was saying: Aleph (Air) = Crown, Beth (Mercury) = Wand (as in Caduceus), Daleth (Venus) = Cup (as feminine idea broadly = yoni), Heh (Aries, as then thought) = Sword (a Mars idea), and Resh (The Sun) = the Rosy Cross lamen (self-evident).
More broadly... they represent many things. There's no one formula or translation. It's a large formula capable of diverse implementation. One of my favorites is a treatment in Liber Aleph in which he pointed out that the four distinct consonants are the letters of Venus, Mercury, and the Sun - a straight path inward from Earth - anchored outwardly by the Stars (Heh = Aquarius). This leads to several useful mystical and magical applications.
Broadly, the 5 As vs. the 6 consonants make the structure or the word. Among the things you can do is to read A as the life-breath flowing through the pattern created by the other letters.