I've been lurking here for sometime and decided to come out from the shadows and say hi. Since I was a small child I've been drawn to the pyramids of Eygpt, the esoteric and occult. I have many tales of strange visions and synchronicities, as I'm sure most of us here do, but I would like to share something in particular as part of my introduction.
To back up, I have had a "library" of books pertaining to everything from Kabbalah to Enochian, Tarot, Goetia, ect; several of Crowley's works and The Book of the Law since I was about 16. I immersed myself the best a 16-year old white guy living in the ghetto and surrounded by his drug-dealing-gang-banging friends could.
After an amazing vision of Christ while on Psilocybin that was followed by mind-blowing synchronicities, I joined the military when I was 19 and started a family. I carried my books everywhere I traveled (My wife has come to hate books due to the boxes and boxes we have had to lug around). I never implemented any practice though; just theory.
Fast foward, I'm out of Uncle Sam's service and will be 33 Novemeber of this year. About two weeks ago, my books on Enochian magic began to gleam. They called to me. I've since been reading and studying again. Everything has been pointing me back to trying to achieve KCHGA. So, I've began keeping a journal, and have been having some pretty awesome dreams, tarot divinations and synchronicities once more.
After a 10 day tarot setup, I've learned I need to start some pathworking on the Tree of Life.
I've never attempted pathworking, so I read an article that was basically some written up guided meditation for path 32. I memorized it.
Finally, to the story ...
I was laying in bed last night and my mind began to fill with the imagery from the meditation I read. I'm in a clearing, fire burns to the South, water pours over a brook to the West, in the East clouds push through the air. To the north I see a cave. I approach it and enter. I move through the cave and come out in a wooded area. I follow a path and come to a clearing where I see dozens of people dancing, laughing, playing instruments, and prepping a large cauldron of soup (Bean w/Bacon - I don't know why). I walk by them un-noticed. I see another cave at the top of a hill. I approach it. There is a door with a cresent moon and the number "32" carved on it.
I open the door. Its dark and hazy. Its filled with smoke or fog. I can't really see anything. I make my intentions known. "I wish to know my true will. I seek knowledge & conversation with my Holy Guardian Angel" My voice echoes and there is no response. I do this several times. Finally I see a large, spinning black pyramid rise up in the darkness. It comes into my full view, but only spins. I continue to make my intentions known. The pyramid sinks, nothing else happens, so I turn to leave.
I leave the cave and head down the hill. Time has passed. The celebration is over, but a few lingerers lay about strumming there guitar-like instruments. A large fountain has been erected where the celebration was. It was a stone version of the Thoth Two of Cups. I drink from the fountain and splash my face. I give thanks, and head toward the cave from whence I came.
At this point, I felt it was coming to an end. I then heard the cry of large bird swooping down. As I entered the cave it hit just above the entrance and fell to the ground. My first thought was my mind was being silly, but then I turned to check on the bird. It was a small bald eagle. I picked it up. There was a strong jolt to the solar plexus area of my physical body. It bounced me from a laying position to a sitting one in my bed. I saw the bird take on an anthropomorphic/angelic shape. As I was falling to my back in the physical, I heard, "You are not ready, but continue to seek me". My head hit my pillow, and the bird fell from my hands to the ground. Standing there was what looked like an old Native American man. We both looked at the bird. I asked if it was dead. He said to me, "Nothing dies here. Now leave, so you may come back."
I wasn't about to question him, so I enetered the cave. I heard another voice call out to me, "Do you have faith in God?" I immediately responded with, "I do." I made my way to the clearing, layed down and closed my eyes, opening them in the physical.
So, that was my experience. I felt like it was only going to be something of a practice before I began actual pathworking, but had a pretty awesome time, just the same. I've since been trying to gather as many Yesodic correspondences as I can, so maybe next time I can see through the mist better.
Please forgive the grammatical errors, its been a while since I've written as such.
Well, this is me. Hello, all. Thank you for all the great knowledge & experiences shared here.
Allow me to welcome you to the forum and our little community.
@Agape93 said
"Finally, to the story ...
I was laying in bed last night and my mind began to fill with the imagery from the meditation I read. I'm in a clearing, fire burns to the South, water pours over a brook to the West, in the East clouds push through the air. To the north I see a cave. I approach it and enter. I move through the cave and come out in a wooded area. I follow a path and come to a clearing where I see dozens of people dancing, laughing, playing instruments, and prepping a large cauldron of soup (Bean w/Bacon - I don't know why). I walk by them un-noticed. I see another cave at the top of a hill. I approach it. There is a door with a cresent moon and the number "32" carved on it.
I open the door. Its dark and hazy. Its filled with smoke or fog. I can't really see anything. I make my intentions known. "I wish to know my true will. I seek knowledge & conversation with my Holy Guardian Angel" My voice echoes and there is no response. I do this several times. Finally I see a large, spinning black pyramid rise up in the darkness. It comes into my full view, but only spins. I continue to make my intentions known. The pyramid sinks, nothing else happens, so I turn to leave.
I leave the cave and head down the hill. Time has passed. The celebration is over, but a few lingerers lay about strumming there guitar-like instruments. A large fountain has been erected where the celebration was. It was a stone version of the Thoth Two of Cups. I drink from the fountain and splash my face. I give thanks, and head toward the cave from whence I came.
At this point, I felt it was coming to an end. I then heard the cry of large bird swooping down. As I entered the cave it hit just above the entrance and fell to the ground. My first thought was my mind was being silly, but then I turned to check on the bird. It was a small bald eagle. I picked it up. There was a strong jolt to the solar plexus area of my physical body. It bounced me from a laying position to a sitting one in my bed. I saw the bird take on an anthropomorphic/angelic shape. As I was falling to my back in the physical, I heard, "You are not ready, but continue to seek me". My head hit my pillow, and the bird fell from my hands to the ground. Standing there was what looked like an old Native American man. We both looked at the bird. I asked if it was dead. He said to me, "Nothing dies here. Now leave, so you may come back."
I wasn't about to question him, so I enetered the cave. I heard another voice call out to me, "Do you have faith in God?" I immediately responded with, "I do." I made my way to the clearing, layed down and closed my eyes, opening them in the physical.
So, that was my experience. I felt like it was only going to be something of a practice before I began actual pathworking, but had a pretty awesome time, just the same. I've since been trying to gather as many Yesodic correspondences as I can, so maybe next time I can see through the mist better."
Sounds to me as if you are at the threshold of the 32nd path but have yet gained enough momentum "to launch into space" and reach the Moon.
Keep up the good Work! Hope you enjoy your time here.
Hey there fellow book collector!
My poor husband said we would never move again after he had to not only move my volumes of books, but also my very large rock collection, and my indoor trees and exotic plants. he collects guitar picks....