Spiritual, Religious, and Evolutionary Plant relationships
Composing am I, a large database of instances in history where influential figures, peoples, or places, experienced spiritual, religious, and/or evolutionary changes and events, connected to some kind of plant, fungus, or alcoholic libation.
If anyone has any rare instances of such conversations of Earth/Man with the All or God, how so appreciative I would be of any data. Be it as simple as St. Anthony's Fire where mass people experienced visions of Angels, Merkabas, chariots of fire in the sky, and the like -
or as confounding as the rites of Eleusis, (both mentioned instances deal with the visionary fungus ergot, containing Lysergic Acid Amides, Lysergic Acid Hydroxyethylamide specifically.)
Just trying to make a map to build a bridge to connect to past leaps in human consciousness and society.
Many thanks in advance, Fraters and Sorors.
Frank -
There are allready works done like this, if you seriously would like to research this yourself I highly suggest you head to a good library, preferrably an acedemic. libraries have subscriptions to databases which are espicially helpful in proper research, professional journals, records, and books not found on regular library shelves. plus a profesional librarian will help you refine and shape the scope of your work.
Here are some articles I found on a quick search.
Also if you have books on drugs and such allready, you may want to explore the resources, bibliography, and sources listed and examine those sources.
@ThelemicMage said
"Composing am I, a large database of instances in history where influential figures, peoples, or places, experienced spiritual, religious, and/or evolutionary changes and events, connected to some kind of plant, fungus, or alcoholic libation.
If I remember correctly, Charles Darwin took Opium quite frequently while he was composing his theory of evolution. I forget the source, but I do remember Tim Leary doing a similar synopsis as yours and compiled his own list of plant/vegetable consciousness playing a role in human development.
Veronica, oldfriend of the number of Nuit,
Many, many thanks!
This happens to be exactly the start of information I needed to get going.
The sources, Veronica, are great. From what I understand, they are still trying to figure the identity of Soma. Some say it's Amanita Muscaria, some Ephedra.
And I was as of late unaware that Darwin was on the proper circean of the progression of time in Briah, when he was working on his evolution theory.
Very, very interesting and helpful material.
I do thank you again,
Frank -
Samuel Coleridge Taylor
The poet, or the African composer?
I shall look into both until your answer,
How emberassed am I that at this late hour I did not even recognize the name of the poet of one of my favourite works, Xanadu.
Head on off to the sack I shall do, (then off to bed,
Xanadu was calling me tonight, though I think it best to wait until tomorrow.
The Rhythm of the ancient marina
Kubla Khan
2 of the greatest pieces of work known to man... written on opium
Of course, Kubla Khan, (interrupted and thus permanently cut short by some mysterious nobody that happened to knock upon Coleridge's door,) inspired Rush's Xanadu, one of the greatest works of music that has emerged from after the rainbow-bridge across the abyss of 1968-1969 of the re-emergence of the great Equinox of the Gods.
Hail Ra-Horus, our Hawk-Headed Lord
Hail the Prophet of the lovely Star
And hail his BrideWaitin' on the reaper (reefer) man,
Very interesting. What are the ingredients? I think the original five plants included Amanita Muscaria and ephedra.
93/93 -
Well I'll have to check it out then. Thanks, miss Dara.
Do you have any knowledge of oats ever being used as medicine?
Just a guess, but they are very relaxing, good for "exhaustion anxiety". I believe that's why we started to eat them in the morning, to fend off the creeping memories of our darkest moments of night.
Peace and Power
93/93 -
Try "Out of It" by Stuart Walton, which examines the who's who, what's what, when's when, why's why, and the how's how of everything from caffeine (there was a Turkish Sultan who made drinking coffee a capital offense to stem the tide of coffee-fueled political dissent in the the coffehouses) to "you name it"... Not to mention Greeks, Romans, Scythians... So much weed and opium it's hard to believe the world could have ever turned into what it has, and a great deal of surprise that it didn't turn out very differently...
Presently I'm in the first chapter of Heroin, by Humberto Fernandez, and he starts out with the ancient Sumerian's achievements in culture, agriculture, and pharmoculture (opium, opium and more opium)... and aside from the immensely amusing adperception that I'm no different than a Sumerian in a lot of important ways, neither is society, except they had more Ziggurats.
Gawd, I love Ziggurats.
Thanks for the lead.
I would probably say that because all those plants were available to humans, is why the world turned out as it has.
For instance, when a child has gotten used to breast milk, one would want to feed them something a little less "nice", a little more healthy, (though terribly addictive,) and eventually solid food with these qualities.
No use in messing up the Great Work on account of humans not wanting to talk to plants, let alone one another.
The drugs were indeed revealed. For ages now. We are fortunate to have the ability to recognize these catalysts in written history, for all direct communicable science from humans to nature through plants would be unexplainable and considered some sort of rare miracle.
"No use in messing up the Great Work on account of humans not wanting to talk to plants, let alone one another."
Just this morning, elsewhere, I was writing about the major problem of our specie is a communication problem with each other.
I simply like the fact that you brought it up too.This is what I wrote (talking about this subject from different approach):
I have come to believe that the reason people think that this "god" or another cares about them personally is because of how they sense the world around them.
They make meaning from nonsense, see order where there wasn't any, believe that one's existence is directly connected to one origin, are determined to have their "now" be something considerable by another being other than them.... et cetera et cetera et cetera: We're doing it right now!
This is our own fault. Not nature's, certainly not any "God" we cooked up to explain it away, but our own cultural inability to communicate with each other in terms of what really matters, of what we really think, and about what really is happening. Which in the light of nature and our glorious "gods" are often considered taboo subjects and we then won't talk about them, at all.
We are then writing the subjects of narrative out of the Narrative, trading deep communionication for symbolic communions and edited communications, and taking away the hints that "lead the horse to water, and teach it how to get there on it's own thereby. "
If we could, then the "codes" would be nothing, and we'd see directly into the meaning of another without distraction or delay. We'd never be alone ever again."
"What we have here, is a problem to communicate"
Are you familiar with Paul Laffoley's works? He designed the parameters of a 'Vegetable house' which could be built from a single seed. That man, I feel, communioncated with plants, at least the ginko biloba. John C. Lilly, M.D. did a lot of research on interspecies communication with cetaceans throughout many decades.
I'd be guilty of a spiritual crime if I also didn't mention the supremely fascinating books in the Pharmako/series by Dale Pendell and the oldie but goody book on plant communication "The Secret Life of Plants".
Thanks for the book recommendation, Zazazas.
I share your opinion that most, if not all of humanity's problems are caused by lack of communication -- weather it be not hearing, not projecting, or a blockage in between the two.
This is where, I believe, the divine communication with Nature fits in, with these plants. Did you know that the odds of a S. American native combining the two plants of Ayahuasca, (B. Capii, P. Viridis,) are worse than the odds of someone hitting the lottery?.. and then some.
However, they claim that the plants themselves "told" them, as well as their ancestors, where to find that plant's counterpart, as well as all the admixtures that go into Ayahuasca. Datura is a well-known deliriant in many parts of the world, but again we observe the common scenario of a human finding a nugget of gold, then trying to fit as many nuggets of gold as they can into their head/belly/sack, then chaos and LOLs ensue.
Datura, in very small amounts, in a proper Aya brew, will give one an extra view on the experience, directly connected with death, but more importantly, connected directly with that light that is just past death that psychics tell ghosts to go to if they wish to "go home" or "where their loved ones are". This is a bastardized, disgusting view of the after-death plane. Seeing as how if a spirit conjures up the courage and karma needed to penetrate the after-death veil in to the Light, if successful one would end up reincarnated. (From what I've learned out there.)
Coca alkaloids, like Datura alkaloids, are Tropane alkaloids. Tropane alkaloids were science's first successful venture into heart medication. Now they are made into all kinds of medicine, including as an admixture in Ayahuasca. So, two separate chemical types but of the same alkaloid type, from two separate plants, and those who know found out that a little too much of either of these is way too much.
So, the whole of society is in a horrible state of decay, due to their lack of communication -- they focus on not having to talk to one another, with television, i-devices, modern music, you name it -- and they are addicted to this sickening dysfunction, which just continues to pull them down.
Take a standard white american jagoff -- obsessed with money, tv, porn, treats strangers that show up at the door better than he treats his kids, (not counting money, food, etc.. emotionally,) and has a disrespect for other humans that he would wish to call a "privilege of the elite." (Vomit-talk for "I'm sick.)
Send him to the Amazon, for a month or so, just 5 - 6 sessions of Ayahuasca. They always go with serious doubt as to the connection to god through nature, but this changes drastically. If they find a good Ayahuascaro, they will either be driven mad by their sickness,(countered by starting with small doses on the first two nights,) or they will learn a lot about who they are, about nature, those they knew they loved but forgot how to do so properly, cry, and are reborn into a world without a blindfold on.
Shamans say that they songs they and the elves use are "visual language", meaning sound has been channeled with so much power as to give it obvious visual qualities. This would make sense, if one looks at Earth, and Nature. From a hawk's-eye view, everything looks like wood-grain, I mean everything. From the patterns in the woods itself, to the leaves, to the topography of the land, to the topography of the weather, is covered with an initial cosmic visual language of wood-grain. This gives good account for occurrences coming "out of the woodwork."
If one delves deeper, (higher?), then one notices the jeweled-hashmalimic, kerubic "greater things", (that the stars themselves are atoms of,) that come into being when any two or more lines, (always eventually more than two,) intersect.
Now I'm having difficulty in expressing the idea of language, (visual, including audial, etc.), being the functioning source-code of the Universe(s).
This would be the ultimate form of irony.
G'night. Got coca to process.
93/93 -
Happy cooking
Well, to be honest, it's more of just soaking, filtering, basifying, pulling solvent, evaporating solvent, HCL'ing until the PH is neutral.
If humans really knew how easy it was to let go of their conditioned egos and talk to nature, they just would not believe how easy it is to reside in Eden's garden.
This reminds me of a lyric off of The Who's "Tommy":
"If I told you what it takes to reach the highest high, you'd laugh and say 'nothing's that simple.'
But you've been told many times before, Messiah's pointing to the door, but no one had the guts to leave the temple.
I'm free."This plays into a later song, "We're not gonna take it":
"Hey you gettin' drunk, so sorry, I've got you sussed.
Hey you smokin' mother nature, this is a bust.
Hey you hung up on mister normal, don't try to gain my trust.
'Cause you ain't gonna follow me any of those ways, although you think you must.
We're not gonna take it."Guests browsing the forum who disagree with Nuit and Nature's pattern and flow, will quickly realize the lyrics are aimed at them. Those who think they need to follow some one else's way of reaching emancipation. How will they realize, as presented in the Tibetan book of the Dead, "The mighty achievement of recognition"?
You know what I like, organic tobacco out of a nice sized glass pipe. Tastes it does, so much sweeter and mellow, and is much more soothing than a straight drag off of the same tobacco out of a roll-up, even though you get less smoke in the lungs with the pipe.
93/93 -
Where's the line between conviviality and leading-following? I'm always puzzled by this because, as a matter of fact I've made it a habit (from long bouts of practice) to approach everything as-if interested completely, which has the advantageous side-effect, in this case of dissolving my ego, up to and just about the point where I completely become "Word". I think that's rather snazzy though other "I"'s within may protest (not many, the former is quite persuasive).
Maybe I'm a lazy magician but I find that the things that most magicians aim to achieve I attain as by-products of some other act or discipline; I find myself spontaneously knowing how to do things that I have no right reason to know (in accordance with causality) anyway, such as how to mentally apply focus-pressure to accupressure point-lines-planes-substance... til I've got just about my whole animal body as powerful as any "I" that would dare challenge the Great Magus of the Flesh... maybe I'm letting to much of my own magickal persuasion out here.
Maybe I should keep quite here, four years after the Death of Occultism (as Culling put it), trying to occult something that may benefit another... Dread the thought! Terrible form, myself, pull yourselves to gather and get on with this!
Yes, well, as I was trying to say while breaking through an interior taboo, that perhaps we are not so for lorn as a species. We're still talking to each other, although through other mediums than sound and other meatspace "traditional" means. Which means we have the capacity to seriously metaprogramm ourselves and our techonology, as one alga said to the fungi, I'm lichen this.
As an example I noticed that I personally take the newcaster's view into the camera as a link between me and them, even though they are talking to millions of people, information is still being seminated through the "New Flesh" of the other mediums, well nigh up to but not limited to "Twitter".
The only complaint I personally have is why they don't allow cell phones to function as beepers, so as to save on the texting and not be as cumbersome as leaving a message. The genius that concocts that will be a rich genius indeed (it may already exist and I just don't know about it).
I foresee the tide of impersonal psuedo-interactions as creating, if not an equivalent, at least and extant back lash of desire FOR communion-in-communication, for conviviality and yes transcending leading-following, to something that isn't Hegelian at all.
If you do it with TLC it's still cooking: "Orbitals are for mathematicians, chemistry is for cooks"- Sasha S.
Well, some would say that dreams are irrational, the context of them.
However, dreams themselves are on a higher plane of existence than regular lower-body, normal consciousness. Dreams are produced as a patterned filter of the intense experience that hits humans during REM sleep, when massive amounts of tryptamines are released and used, and the experience is so out there that the brain turns off it's memory functions at that level, and produces dreams after the more intense level of the experience is over.
This reduces down to the fact that reality is irrational.