I say will in a personal version of the documented way:
"I thank Thee, Creation, Mother Nature, our Lady Nuit, and my Holy Guardian Angel Echazhia (misspelled on purpose,) for these sacraments of IA Besz, the bread, the flesh and the life - and for these sacraments of IA Apophorasz, the Love, the venom, the blood, the sacred water of Creation transmuted into wine.
It is my Will to eat and drink that my body would be fortified that I would live, to fulfill my purpose within the Great Work.
That I would live to do what I Will, for that is the whole of the Law.
That I would live to Love under Will, for Love is the Law."Hope I do, this gives you an example to feel out your own meaning of the Eucharist.
93/93 -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@ThelemicMage said
"I say will in a personal version of the documented way:
"I thank Thee, Creation, Mother Nature, our Lady Nuit, and my Holy Guardian Angel Echazhia (misspelled on purpose,) for these sacraments of IA Besz, the bread, the flesh and the life - and for these sacraments of IA Apophorasz, the Love, the venom, the blood, the sacred water of Creation transmuted into wine.
It is my Will to eat and drink that my body would be fortified that I would live, to fulfill my purpose within the Great Work.
That I would live to do what I Will, for that is the whole of the Law.
That I would live to Love under Will, for Love is the Law."Hope I do, this gives you an example to feel out your own meaning of the Eucharist.
93/93"That was post number 40000th on the forum. lol Congratulations.
Love is the law, love under will.
Know what to say, I do not. I'd like to thank God, Satan, my Holy Guardian Angel, Besz, Apophis, Ra Hoor Khuit, and numbers and forums in general.
No, I will not wear that tiara.
@Dara Allarah said
"It's a shame it doesn't really give you the opportunity to appreciate where the food comes from or how the food got there and onto the table."
I think that the variety of options would be a little tricky codifying in a single ritual.
Besides, I think the purpose isn't about giving thanks, or stating your "will" to eat, but about dedicating your energy to the Great Work.
"The saying of Will is not a thing that "works." It does nothing itself. It's purpose is to continue the magician's training to become singularly focused of Will at all times, even in refreshment.
Well, I think one could say it "works" toward it's purpose. As a discipline, it keeps the concept of Will in mind even as one is about to eat and forces an appraisal of whether or not what one is eating benefits or detracts from one's Will. [Bereshith explains his own resistance to the constant discipline ]
It might be in our best interests to remember the following:
IA Besz, the bread, the flesh, and the life, connects directly to the highest manifestation of matter, of our sacred Malkuth, beyond what we might perceive in our own personal Trees.
IA Apophorasz, the Love, the blood, the venom, the sacred water of Creation transmuted into wine, connects directly to the highest manifestation of Water.
To imbibe these sacraments is not for mere physical nourishment, nay, to integrate with the sacred Yoga, these higher concepts with our bodies, thus to our minds and spirits.
93/93 -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@Avshalom Binyamin said
@Takamba said
"It's purpose is to continue the magician's training to become singularly focused of Will at all times, even in refreshment."So.... it works. "
The importance of this cannot be over-exaggerated.
Love is the law, love under will.
As has been stated before, I highly recommend that all magicians and mystics familiarize them selves with the work The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton PhD.
His work will (lol) help you understand why you act and think the way you do, based upon his work with genetics and DNA. understanding the underlaying biology of living organisms, and what drives them to act or not, will enable you to refine your Will to such a magnitude that if you applied his theory, you will be able to alter your genetics and DNA.
"It seems like there's no serious evaluation going on as to whether or not (and how) these practices are actually accomplishing the goal of knowing/doing the true will. People just expect it works because they want to believe in magical powers and religious hoo-ha. In this way, the "results" they end up receiving become the products of wishful thinking and self-suggestion."*There is a very serious body of people who are actively evalutating all practices that could be helpful in understanding true will. But it is not in the magicial community, but in scientific labs. Noetic Science, HeartMath, and the Chopra foundation I know are actively and aggressively exploring ways to bring valid practices to the light of humanity.
Apologies if I came off with anything too high level.
Since all lower manifestation is certainly illusion, then it is our will not only to experience the continuation of life that one might continue to find and do one's True Will, but to be connected with these higher manifestations of matter.
I have no reason to discuss my Will, or my reason for continuing my life here at Malkuth, since I have found my will already, and have been performing like this for years.
If anyone has any questions, imbalances, or lack of connection to their will and their body and blood's higher manifestation, then one will ask questions about their will, why they say it/do it, and why others do. See me doing this, you do not.
93/93 -
Not at all, mister Potater.
No insult in the least, however one who asks why one should state one's True Will before imbibing two of Nuit's most important sacraments, probably doesn't know their True Will yet. The True Will I speak of is something you find only once, and flow with for the rest of your life.
Fuckups hurt after this, which is why it's best to totally avoid them by flowing appropriately.
If we look at everything as illusion, including our bodies and souls, but if we must maneuver through illusion by feeding them and aligning them, then these beings of Creation must be taken at the same level, of Apophorasz, and Besz. That is what the Great Work is about, finding aspects of yourself in these beings, (or any other part of the Macrocosm that is not one's safe little microcosm,) and aligning one's self with one's True Will.
Crowley does not state,
"Hail, Ra Hoor Khuit, our Hawk Headed Lord!... who might be part of our reality, I just don't know yet, but until I do for sure, I'll treat you as the divine auditor that Thou art!"So what? There's more powerful beings than you, I and all of us keeping and guiding the sacred machinery of Creation, and we should try to ignore their existence as much as possible instead of directly recognizing them for what they are and respecting them?
Nay, nay.
One only learns by watching others who have gone before them in the sacred name of the Great Work.
I apologize if I do not respond during the rest of the night..
I must go prepare something and the aftermath will take me the duration of the night to work out.
Many thanks for your notion of "kid's stuff". Made me feel like my work isn't all that difficult after all.
93/93 -
No, I got the point alright.
I think you missed mine.
The last time I "introduced" something to myself was in 2003. The last time I did something I could not handle was in 2007.
Why is it when one sees someone else with "things" that they do not have access to or are able to use, they always try to shoot them down? Typical honkey. You have to be American as well. Correct, correct.
Someone asked what the purpose of stating "Will" was before eating. I gave my ninety-three cents, then this [censored] about what I do in my own time.
This is why there was alcohol prohibition that ruined that section of time. This is why there is prohibition of simple plants nowadays, ruining the entirety of the past eighty years. Imagine how far people would have gone if they wouldn't have been thinking,
"Whoh. The man doesn't want me to have that. Guess I'm gonna have to make a point to try it out." Then horrible addiction ensues.What's worse, nowadays, humans are much weaker and much more stupid regarding such things. People hear about such sacraments, being bad, and they get behind the government as mommy's backside to hide behind, and say,
"You horrible people that don't listen to mommy! You go to jail now! Me no like you!"Instead of proper education of simple plants that were here before we were. Did you know that imbibing opium, poppy, and teas comprising the two were common for humans, typically men at work and at war, from a couple hundred years ago back to thousands of years ago. It was something not spoken of much, and even less written about. When you can read the akashic records of the Earth without flinching, then you can advise me about the wonders of Assiah.
I will not comment in this thread again.
@Frater Potater said
"Did you miss the thread about not posting pointless picture attachments??"
I think you missed the point. It wasn't about not sharing photos, but where the photo is hosted. That photo is hosted on FaceBook it appears to me. Whether or not ThelemicMage is "pointless," well, I won't go into my opinion.