"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
Hello everyone my Name Is Alex, but you guys may go ahead and call me Paradoxius its my magickal name either or is fine. it's a great pleasure to join a community of so many Thelemites, its interesting to have come across this website. At first I thought I came acrross a O.T.O. Website becouse of the similarities of the symbols but soon realized that this is a entire diffrent Orginization, I have come to like it allot. I'm always very Interested in Meeting more Thelemites of any background And hopefully make more friends here.
I currently Live In Torrance L.A. County, I go regularly to the O.T.O. Star Saphire Lodge in La Crasenta, I mett very smart, Interesting warming Thelemites their, who are now friends
and the Lodge their is Beautiful. I have just started out with my Magickal career and my life in General I just turned 21 this month. I got into Thelema in 2010, I was givin the Book of the Law by a friend in school along win the book of lies.
The book of the Law changed my life more than any other work of literature that I have come across. The Book really is Magickal it opened me up to the new Aeon, to the Glory of the Stars!!! To Nuit!! To Hadit!!!! To Rahoorkuit!!! to 93!!! I can talk about this book for a while but I'll just say that I come to realize that the Law is True in every way to me.
I am still fairly new to Thelema the books that I study are " the Gems of the Equinox, the book of the Law, Book 4 and The Blue Equinox. I plan on getting Liber 777, the Book of Toth, and the Law is for All next. I just started Practicing Magick very begginer magick like the LBRP And Just beginning to memorize Liber Resh so I can practice that too
Again I'm very interested in getting to know this Thelemic community, I'm actually interested in attending a T.O.T. Meeting, class or ritual very soon, I'm very Independent and I have a strong thirst for knowledge and My adventures spirit will travel where ever my intuition needs me too. So please don't hesitate to get to know me, I'll be sure to return your messages as soon as I can.
"love is the Law love under Will"
93 Dara
Nice to meet you, and yeah I imagine theirs allot of Thelemites in LA, I mett a handful so far, most that I have mett are allot older than me but its ok their all so far really wise well most of them are lol. i think its really great that theirs diffrent orders of thelema, rather than just the A.A. And O.T.O., up till yesterday I never heard of the T.O.T. their website looks interesting, from what im understanding they teach allot and I hope they do I love my O.T.O. Lodge but it is very independent when it comes to learning, I mean they do teach you if you ask a brothar or member but not really like a school, it really is learn what is in your grade idependently and yeah the earth quakes are Ok lol I hardly ever feel them when they happen. Their never to crazzyyyBut yeah so That must mean you live some where else? I imagine.
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Oops I ment to write C.O.T. Rather than T.O.T. I was reading further and yeah it looks like to be a member or a part of th T.O.T. You need to be Invided or something like that..
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Welcome, Alex. I think it's gonna be nice to have you here.
Love is the law, love under will.
93 Ethar
And thank you I appreciate that. I imagine it should be a interesting site. It's always great to be around Thelemites. And Your from Brazil man that's Awesome!!! I bin wanting to go down to South America Specifically Peru In the Amazon forest I came across this Ayhuasca Foundation online not to long ago and from what I read and heard and the Videos I watched it's perfect place to heal and come on im a thelemite, i have to try something like this soon! just being around that forest would be epic!!! Have you ever heard of them?
www.ayahuascaassociation.org93 93/93
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yes, I have. It's not something that particularly interests me, but I say, go ahead.
(And yes, forests are awesome.)
Love is the law, love under will.
No worries man it's all cool yeah that kind of stuff is definitely not for everyone. But yeah man thanks I will go ahead try it next year I hope.93 93/93