Bad juju or silly superstition?
I have been practicing simple banishing rituals in the spare bedroom of my family's home for the past 6 months or so. I recently started working with the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram which is the fist time I've ever attempted invoking elemental forces. After a few days of her being in a bad mood, my wife now strongly suspects there is some evil force in our house because of something I've done.
How likely is this? My wife swears up and down that she and my daughter are intuitive to this kind of thing and would know more that I would, even though I strongly suspect she has a bad case of cabin fever in addition to other non-related issues.
I'm slightly irritated as I don't want to stop my daily activities but feel I may have to unless I can somehow convince them that all is well with our home. Should I do some sort of house hold cleansing-banishing to appease both my wife and daughter in addition to any possible negative nasties?
Tried a simple divination on the matter? Like I-Ching or Tarot? Might give you your answer, and in the case of it being bad juju it may tell what to focus on in order to see the problem solved.
@P is for Pomegranate said
"Tried a simple divination on the matter? Like I-Ching or Tarot? Might give you your answer, and in the case of it being bad juju it may tell what to focus on in order to see the problem solved."
I haven't yet. I just learned of the alleged haunt when my wife called a bit ago. I plan on doing a reading on the matter when I get home.
I suppose another thing to keep in mind then is that they may certainly feel a change in the 'psychic' climate of the house, but due to the forces you're working with being essentially alien to them, they may pick up on it being evil since they don't know how else to interpret/understand alien phenomena. Think of how Set was only the devil of Egypt because of his association with foreign influence; it's easy to take the shortcut of demonizing forces that at first seem strange in order to avoid the personal psychological work required to learn the new perspective.
It would make sense to me that elemental forces could give the uneasy feeling, being that they are blind when not directed by spirit(i.e. not grasped by the conscious mind as in their case here). It would perhaps also be worth considering just getting her up to speed on your intent behind bringing these forces in and educating her on how they've been used in the past. Is she studied in the occult at all? Or just intuitive?
Did you only do banishings or did you actively activate astral currents in your practises?
@Indagator said
"I recently started working with the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram which is the fist time I've ever attempted invoking elemental forces. After a few days of her being in a bad mood, my wife now strongly suspects there is some evil force in our house because of something I've done."
Do you banish afterwards?
@Jim Eshelman said
@Indagator said
"I recently started working with the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram which is the fist time I've ever attempted invoking elemental forces. After a few days of her being in a bad mood, my wife now strongly suspects there is some evil force in our house because of something I've done."Do you banish afterwards?"
Last Saturday I did not banish until later that evening. That was the first time trying it without banishing in the AM. I have to admit that for that day I indeed felt more of everything not necessarily in a more negative or positive way. I also felt confident with my banishings later that night. I had a heated chat with my wife last night and until I know for sure (even though I think I'm doing everything right) that my workings intended only for my psyche aren't spilling over into anyone's else's lives I'm holding of on the invokings.
@kasper81 said
"what? that your wife is playing mind-games with you? Very likely hahaha"
I doubt she was consciously playing games. Whatever the case is/was we are good now. We spent Sunday afternoon banishing the entire home both in our own specific ways and now everyone is happy - especially me. I'm back to my daily practices.
@Indagator said
I doubt she was consciously playing games. Whatever the case is/was we are good now. We spent Sunday afternoon banishing the entire home both in our own specific ways and now everyone is happy - especially me. I'm back to my daily practices.