Negi Springfield
I am a guy who is interested in the OTO and Thelema...which is why I joined up here. I am very interested in getting various points of view, which includes the whole "legitimacy" debate as well as other matters. I am NOT going to stir up old BS, but just want to discuss. I've gone from being a vague Christian to being a follower of Yashuah and now I'm learning Thelema. I still am a Messianic Jew and found the Kabbalistic writings of Israel Regardie to be quite fascinating, as is Liber 777.
I look forward to meeting some if not all of you.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I hope you get what you want here.
Love is the law, love under will.
Do you like Hammerboy? I just saw it yesterday, the finale was tear-springing.
@Zazazas214 said
"Do you like Hammerboy? I just saw it yesterday, the finale was tear-springing."
Never heard of it.
What's "first warning by admin?" mean? You piss the admin off or something?