New to the art of Magick. Have been reading books like Liber 777 to Modern Magick to incorporate Magick into my life. I have been studying Tai Chi, Kundalini Yoga and other forms of yoga power yoga, Kabbalah the pratical and mystical aspects. I am a scientist (meteorologist) by trade. Anyways. I am trying to find people I can talk to about my experiences in Magick and in ceramonial magick.
Just wanted to say Hi!
My sun sign is in Sagattarius
My moon sign is in Sagattarius
My rising sign is in CancerExperience:
I have been studying for about a 1 and a half self taught
Tai Chi for about 4 months with a teacher a more formal training.
Tantra for about 3 months (Urban Tantra).
Kabbalah I've read a bunch GD mostly and a bit of Crowley.
Kundalini Yoga for about 4 months formal training from a yogiLearned the LBP from one of my spiritual teacher.
I do have a cystal bowl for the Solar Plexus chakra which I tune myself
I have three Pendulums for divination
I have begun tarot readings on myself, but not to much sucess (78 degrees wisdom)I do the lesser banishing pentrgram twice a day once during the morning when I rise and once during the night, however, I would like more of an idea of more stuff I can do. I think have been lied to by one of my teachers. He does not recommend the higher stuff in the GD; however, I carve energy and I think it would improve my being doing the Supreme Invoking and Banishing acts during my Magick.
All the training in Kabbalah is self learning so I'm looking for opinions which I can post on other topic forums. I am excited to get your opinions and experiences to learn from.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
@sagittarius713 said
"I do the lesser banishing pentrgram twice a day once during the morning when I rise and once during the night, however, I would like more of an idea of more stuff I can do."
See: Liber Resh, Liber E, Liber O.
Love is the law, love under will.
Welcome !
Maybe it could be cool working with the elements on different planes. There are the classic GD aura exercices: the one with the 4 elements(i know, i will, i dare, i keep silent), the middle pillar... you can do similar stuff with Nuit, Hadit, Ra-Hoor-Khuit. And maybe try to apply the elements within your life and activities. In sports, intellectual matters, arts, relationships... know well the elements and alchemical principles, and how they interact from one plane to the other. Also repeat the basic ritual formulas(elements, lux, nox) and feel the differences. Do all both on physical and astral plane. Feel the interaction between physical and astral. Make the astral as the physical, and the physical as the astral. Meditate on all these things and a lot on the tree of life. Do pathworking. Have fun !