Qlipoth and the four worlds
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Some questions...
How do the qlipoth relate with the four worlds?
Are there "briatic" qlipoth?
Are archdemons briatic beings?
Can qlipoth be considered a fifth world as such?
How could they relate with the abyss and Choronzon?
Does the qlipothic part of each tree decreases gradually as we go up the ladder of Jacob(the four worlds) until Atziluth where there are not anymore? And on the other hand under Malkuth in Assiah there are the "pure" Qlipoth, as such, as a fifth world and full inverted tree, fully activated?
Love is the law, love under will.
@Frater Horus said
"How do the qlipoth relate with the four worlds?"
Technically, they are the lowest levels of Assiah (or, arguably, the lowest levels of Yetzirah, since they aren't material; but they appear to be below other Assiah manifestations in character; for example, the Assiah name is above them in the hierarchy that evokes them).
"Are there "briatic" qlipoth?"
(Closest exception: Technically, Q'lippoth are any "shells" or "husks" shed. So, if you attain fully to Atziluth, shedding everything Briatic, Yetziratic, and Assiatic in you, then everything soever is Q'lippothic. I suggest we renew this part of the conversation when you get to Ipsissimus. <g>)
"Are archdemons briatic beings?"
I think the Four Great Princes of Evil are Briatic. The Archdemons rank among Yetziratic hosts.
"Can qlipoth be considered a fifth world as such?"
I've often thought this would be the best way to model them - sub-Assiah altogether. This is consistent with a lot of behavior, legend, and how magical phenomena work.
"How could they relate with the abyss and Choronzon?"
Irrelevant. Grant took the wrong drugs that day
Closest comparison: One who fails in crossing the Abyss is eventually "composted" into Q'lippothic residue.
"Does the qlipothic part of each tree decreases gradually as we go up the ladder of Jacob(the four worlds) until Atziluth where there are not anymore?"
You're confusing the four worlds with the Sephiroth. (Remember, there is Kether of Assiah.)
On the Sephiroth, no - one has shadow elements and shed elements as far as one goes. (Consider the GD 4=7 diagram of the hydra raising its head to every sephirah below the Abyss, with Q'lippothic names on each head; but there are also Q'lippoth of the Supernals.)
"And on the other hand under Malkuth in Assiah there are the "pure" Qlipoth, as such, as a fifth world and full inverted tree, fully activated? "
By definition they aren't pure. They are inherently unbalanced, scraps, incomplete, husks, residue. That's the whole point.
@Jim Eshelman said
"Are there "briatic" qlipoth?"
(Closest exception: Technically, Q'lippoth are any "shells" or "husks" shed. So, if you attain fully to Atziluth, shedding everything Briatic, Yetziratic, and Assiatic in you, then everything soever is Q'lippothic. I suggest we renew this part of the conversation when you get to Ipsissimus. <g>)
"Fascinating. Many things run through my mind visualizing this truth.
Could we say for an Adept everything Yetziratic and Assiatic is Qlippothic?
Can this explain some depressive feelings one experiences from 1=10 to Adepthood as Assiah and Yetzirah are progressively shedded? Isnt it like the more light one bears, the more shadow it produces? But after Abyss as it is not Light any more, but Nox instead, can we say the more Nox one bears, the more Light it produces?
Is Dark night of the soul more related to Fixing the volatile or to Yetzirah being shedded by Briah? How would you put the Dark night on the tree of life?
"It is not truth which is painful. It is the shedding of illusions that is painful" Yogi Jean Dujardin
@Frater Horus said
"Could we say for an Adept everything Yetziratic and Assiatic is Qlippothic? "
Only the things they have shed
"O lover, if thou wilt, depart!"
I would recommend the distinction, though, of saying they are q'lippothic, but not calling them Q'lippoth, since (more often than not) "The Q'lippoth" (ha-Q'lippoth) refers to a specific category of forms.
Nonetheless, on your direct question, I think we can.
PS - During my 5=6 period, I wrote a new version of the Pentagram ritual that started at the intersection of Teth and Gimel, and specifically placed Tiphereth and the Ruach behind, in the place that subconsciousness occupies in the normally self-conscious human.
"Can this explain some depressive feelings one experiences from 1=10 to Adepthood as Assiah and Yetzirah are progressively shedded?"
I was just editing an Adept's diary for publication, and passed a section of seemingly unattached depression, a sense of vacuousness or emptiness - that later clarified as some psychic content (apparently a part of the habitual self-image) breaking loose. Even things we are better off without can create a sense of "emptiness" when they depart.
"Is Dark night of the soul more related to Fixing the volatile or to Yetzirah being shedded by Briah? How would you put the Dark night on the tree of life?"
I don't think that's the MAIN cause, but it's certainly a contributor once the ball is rolling.
Where on the Tree? At least three places (and many more are possible earlier). On the Path of Tav. At the veil of Paroketh. And at the Abyss.