Franz Bardon's magick and method
@kasper81 said
"dark occult forces which lay behind the rise of the Third Reich.
the only dark occult forces that lay behind the rise of the Third Reich were the engrained centuries- old racism of white Teutonic Christians, the mindlessness of the bigotry of "national pride", the engrained shame based conditioning of the Catholics of South Germany, Richard Wagner's unresolved toilet -training issues, , the entrenched hangover of Frederick's Prussian militaristic greed and the greed of the idiots on Wall Street and in the US government who allowed the international financial system to collapse
so it wasn't Loki or Thor, rising out of a creepy, etheral tomb, somewhere near Asgaard, 1000 kilometres left of Uranus, or it wasn't some sort of Atlantean "black magician" reincarnated and returning to wreak havoc and aligning with, "evil Tibetan left hand magician monks". Good fantasy reading for boys though"
There is good research showing how occultism, especially Theosophy and Aryanism were strong influences on what eventually became the National Socialist party in Germany. Also many prominent NAZI's were occultists. So whether or not you think that occultism has any actual power it is clear that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's did; so this must have therefore to some extent informed their actions.
@kasper81 said
"......... "Aryanism" I don't know what that is but I suspect it is a product of mere racist belief. ...... "
So basically you couldn't even be bothered to google this and yet such bellicose opinion? You are boorish I shall ignore you.
His ignorance of the subject of Blavatsky and the Aryan mythology, and Hitler's inspiration (misdirected as it was) from her writings is obvious, but I wouldn't call that reason to ignore him. How else will he learn?
@kasper81 said
is this your way of ignoring the fact that I just wrapped your argument up in knots? Childish? No?No, I couldn't be bothered to google Arianism because it's irrelevant, it's obviously a racist offshoot of Theosophy"
Actually, no; you did no such thing with his statements. The true Aryan culture was from Norther India and existed as the main power during India's hidden times (hidden from Europe, I mean) and the histories you might be familiar with regarding the Hindu culture. The Aryan's vanished. Linguists believe they moved north more so into Europe (caucasian, Indo-European, being the prefered labels expressing this); some fantasizers in Blavatsky's era believed they became the Atlanteans and later also vanished from there (sinking, as it were). Hitler, having political contacts with a great number of members of the Thule society (a pseudo-masonic organization also borrowing heavily from Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" and "Isis Unveiled," which taught of a unified religious notion she "brought" from the East and spiritual tools), joined with those men and they named themselves the Nazi party with the agenda of bringing back the glory of the Aryan race (misunderstood as it was by them) and the New World Order (Blavatsky's words) and New Age (also Blavatsky's words) for a "thousand year reign" (also Blavatsky's words).
Obviously you didn't know about that.
@kasper81 said
"I actually did but sdo what and big fcking deal
did you know that Aryan comes from the Indian word for "warrior"?
Nazis? Occultism? Buillsh1t. Conversation over..... for me anyway"
Yes I did and thank you for demonstrating to all in public the reason I've not been interested in your constant use of private message. There's not need for such an intellectual as yourself to get all emotional and school-yardish.
Derivation of the word "Aryan"[edit source | editbeta]
The English word "Aryan" is borrowed from the Sanskrit word ārya meaning 'Noble';[1] but apparently, it was initially used as a national name to designate those who worshipped the Vedic deities (especially Indra) and followed Vedic culture (e.g. performance of sacrifice, Yajna).[1][12] The Zend airya 'venerable' and Old Persian ariya are also thought to be national names.[1][13]
As a translation of Latin Ariānus for Ariāna ("the eastern part of ancient Persia"), Arian(es) has long been in English use. Aryan is of recent introduction in comparative philology.[1]
In Armenian the word ari (Armenian: արի) means brave and noble, and the word ayr (Armenian: այր) means man, which, as some scholars believe, correspond to the Graeco-Aryan theory of origin of Indo-European peoples.[14]
In colloquial English, the word has been adopted in accordance with Nazi racial theory's appropriation of the term to describe persons corresponding to the "Nordic" physical ideal of Nazi Germany (the "master race" ideology).[n 1]
In Iranian context the original self-identifier lives on in ethnic names like "Alani", "Ir".[16] Similarly, The word Iran is the Persian word for land/place of the Aryans[17](see also Iranian peoples). -
"Did you know that Led Zeppelin made a pact with Satan (?) before they were famous? The fact that they were the best session musicians in the business and knew every style of music, classical, jazz, every genre of blues, folk etc and presumably practiced hard and long daily was irrelevant. Right?"
What is your source of this knowledge?You can´t find anything if you play that Song backwards. I know, because I´ve tried. There´s nothing there. We never made a pact with the Devil. The only deal I think we ever made was with some of the girls High Shools in San Fernando Valley
Robert Plant on Stairway to Heaven, Q magazine, 1988You either show me the exact source where this is proven, or retract you statement.
No way Kasper,
That statement is false, and slander.
There is no irony at all in this. You can't go about just saying half baked crap, and not expect to be called out on it. Saying things like that is not like saying they played with barbie dolls. You are claiming in public that they did something, which they have gotten heat for in the past, and have denied. There is no integrity in perpetuating lies.
Where is this irony you speak of?
JC? Haven't you heard Jimmy Page is god.
@Takamba said
"His ignorance of the subject of Blavatsky and the Aryan mythology, and Hitler's inspiration (misdirected as it was) from her writings is obvious, but I wouldn't call that reason to ignore him. How else will he learn?"
You are very kind to him, I come to this forum to give and learn not just give.
I actually did read the whole thread,
Im not spaced out and would like you to stop hurling your lame insults at me. Here is one for you that isn't lame and is to the point, sometimes Kasper you are a friggin prig, who should either learn to write in complete paragraphs like a grown up, or learn to keep your comments to yourself.
I'm trying to give you some constructive criticism here,
Your posts are impulsive, rash, and thoughtless. You made an (opinionated) statement as if it were fact, published it on a forum were google could keyword it in some search and some bloke could read your careless comment and think it was true. Irresponsible and thoughtless, yet again. Your words are.And you can go and get off your British high horse, this is an international forum.
@kasper81 said
"Furthermore Veronica if you read what I said, about Zeppelin's success being down to the fact that they were the music biz's best session musicians , before they formed Zep and that this contributed to their success, not any silly alleged pact with satan or whatever, then this further exemplifies the fact that yes, in continuance with my rational take on these matters, it shows that no I as well as Page et al would consider such accussations as drivel
Do you understand?"
Don't try to to school me.
I know what you wrote, and I inferred what you meant. I shouldn't have to infer, and you should know better then to make a stupid comment like that.I guess actually you wouldn't know better.
@kasper81 said
"You are not spaced out
There was just a communication jam between us
Anyway what do you think about nazi success? What caused it?"
Oh, is that what you are on about? Where above does anyone attribute the success (call it that if you will) of the Nazi party to their work with occultism? The thing that got YOU started (take responsibility for your fits, sir) was somebody mentioned "dark occult forces which lay behind the rise of the Third Reich." YOU interpreted that to mean "the cause of the success of the Third Reich?" Then it is your reading issues, not other people's opinions, that are a problem here. The same way that when Dr. Shoemaker says "before beginning a magical operation" you insist he means thaumaturgical spell casting and advertise that he's advocating "practical magick" (a term used for what witches do when they cast love spells and whatnot). YOU are making up stories in your head. All anyone has argued was that the Nazi party was influenced by occult philosophy - only you could imagine it meant it lead to their success.