Greetings! was whipping around the internet and ran into you folks. I am a witch, who really like plants.
Have been flying my broom for about 24 years ...18 of them with a coven.
My parents had me hiking and camping before I could crawl so that has really stuck, I also draw and do sculpture, among other artsy things.
I like researching the green growing things, and would someday love to open a wildlife sanctuary and botanical garden. I love the Moon, and I am somewhat of a fanatic for blending incense.
I'd like to thank Mr. Jim for having me here, have been to many of his public Rites and always come away with a renewed sense of spirit.
Many blessings, ....you can call me, Flora -
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.
go raibh maith agat...