The Act Of Truth
Well, it seems we've had a lull in the conversation after the full moon. Hate to spark this stuff back up, but you know how we love to talk of magick and confirmation bias and how nothing happens without measureable and definite factors, that Electric Boogeymen are controlling the Earth from Sirius, and how the Grand Poobah of the Elk Lodge has annointed Sir William Blake as the next Jesus of Bizarro - by introducing materialism to Neshama, etc.
Here we go:
I'd like to start a topic of conversation regarding what Crowley wrote here, and if we are to believe that these "Acts of Truth" are also as crazy as the Secret Chiefs.
[Btw - I think I like the term "Secret Chefs" better...cookin' up all sorts of crazy determinist schemes.
Hopefully, we can look at this piece of Crowley's writing and critically examine the plausibility of the theory he proposes:
*But there is a Magical mode of procedure. You say to yourself: I am here to do this Work in accordance with my true Will. The Gods have got to see to it that I'm not baulked by any blinking messenger. (But take care They don't overhear you; They might mistake it for Hybris, or presumption. Do it all in the Sign of Silence, under the aegis of Harpocrates, the "Lord of Defence and Protection"; be careful to assume his God-form, as standing on two crocodiles. Then you increase your consumption, and at the same time put in a whole lot of extra Work. If you perform this "Act of Truth" properly, with genuine conviction that nothing can go wrong, your messenger will arrive a day early, and bring an extra large supply.
This, let me say at once, is very difficult, especially at first, until one has gained confidence in the efficacy of the Formula; and it is very nastily easy to "fake." Going through the motions (as they say) is more futile here than in most cases, and the results of messing it up are commonly disastrous.*
- Do not be misled by any apparent superficial resemblance to "Christian Science" and "Coueism" and their cackling kin. They miss every essential feature of the formula.
You must invent your act to suit your case, every time; suppose you expect a cable next Friday week, transferring cash to your account. You need $500 to make up an important payment, and you don't know whether they will send even $200. What are you going to do about it? Skimp, and save your expenses, and make yourself miserable and incapable of vigorous thought or action? You may succeed in saving enough to swing the deal; but you won't get a penny beyond the amount actually neededโand look at the cost in moral grandeur!
No, go and stand yourself a champagne luncheon, and stroll up Bond Street with an 8 1/2 "Hoyo de Monterey," and squander $30 on some utterly useless bauble. Then the $500 will swell to $1000, and arrive two days early at that!
There are one or two points to consider very carefully indeed before you start:โ
1.The proposed Act must be absurd; it won't do at all if by some fluke, however unlikely, it might accomplish your aim. For instance, it's no use backing an outsider. There must be no causal link.
2.The Act must be one which makes the situation definitely worse. E.g.: suppose you are counting on a new dress to make a hit at a Reception, and doubt whether it is so much better than your present best, or whether it will be finished in time. Then, wear that present best to-night (wet, of course), knowing you are sure to soil it.
3.Obviously, all the usual conditions of a Magical Operation apply in this as in all cases; your aim must conform with your True Will, and all that; but there is one curious point about an Act of Truth: this, that one should resort to it only when there is no other method possible. In the explorer's case, above, it won't do if he has any means of hurrying up the messenger.*-- MWT - Chap XIX - The Act of Truth
So, what do you think? Is there a method here or are these closer to the ravings of a senile mind? Let's also discuss the title -- here Crowley is calling something that makes no logical sense an "Act of Truth"...and trying to set up experiments surrounding it to boot!
I brought this discussion up a while ago (use the search feature, you'll find it). In it Los said it was "bad advice." Me, I say it is proof that you are actually convinced you are correct that your True Will has been discovered. Right now (it's Thursday and I'm drunk and that's what I do on Thursdays) I shouldn't discuss it further.
I like to think he explains the purpose in the introduction of the letter.....
"It seems that last Wednesday I so far forgot myself as to refer to the "Act of Truth" in conversation, and never mentioned what it is when it's at home, or why anyone should perform it, or what happens when one does perform it!
All right, I will remedy that; luckily, it is a very simple matter; very important, perfectly paradoxical and devastatingly effective.
Analysed, it is to make the assumption that something which seems very wrong is actually all right, that an eager wish is an accomplished fact. a reasonable anxiety, entirely unfoundedโand to act accordingly."
I may be wrong, but I believe he's implying that if you are in need of money, you should go out and spend some foolish amount and so not only act but become confident and firmly believe that the desired money will be coming to you when you need it....and thus the universe provides it. His use of the exclamation point after the $1000 may indicate he is exaggerating about the results.
And at the end of the letter
"P.S.โI thought it might help you if I were to make a few experiments. I have done so. Result: this is much more difficult and delicate an affair than I had thought when I wrote this letter. For instance, one single thought of a "second string"โe.g. "if it fails, I had better do so and so"โis enough to kill the while operation stone dead. Of course, I am totally out of practice; but, even so . . . . . ."
he is again indicating one must not doubt that the desired effect will not happen, making something worse i.e. making it that you need the desired effect no matter what and in carrying out these tasks actually believing it doesn't matter what you do will manifest results.
Whether it does or not is another question entirely.....
Also the title is strange I agree, its obviously just a term he's used. As for him having a senile mind, I've seen other, younger authors think along the same lines.....of course some would interpret them as being out of their minds.
If someone would explain the title (or even can) I would be grateful in hearing your answer.....
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I totally agree with you Mark, and I behave this way often. But don't tell Los (and don't tell Frater Oz that pot is medicine).
Hey Mark,
I enjoyed your points. Thanks for the response.
Takamba: what did we talk about at that last AA meeting?
Anyway, my two cents...
I think there are a few things going on here with this letter (and these ideas below are only aspects, I think there are other things going on too):
1.) To encourage the student to start their own experiments to ground them in the scientific method when examining results and data -- I believe Crowley did this all the time. He sent many on fool's errands, like any good teacher does, not to teach them how to become the next Uri Geller (although many set out on the Path with that desire in mind), but to teach them how to learn from (and to understand) themselves. It always seems Crowley liked to push his students when he danced with them. A lot of his work was "astral" without the student knowing it -- employing certain forces that the student may or may not have been aware of at the time. His tone changed with his student to trigger desired effects -- in this case, it would seem the student was being overly rational, so Crowley would swing the other way with authority...which I think has a lot to do with 2...
2.) To encourage his student to break up the rational mechanism. This particular student, like most, wanted the Secrets of the Universe, which can only be gained when the rational mechanism is controlled, but all students try to wrap their head around the ideas first when starting out -- namely, because they can ALWAYS figure out the magick puzzle so much faster than everyone else!
A major step of Initiation has to do with the "breaking up" of the mind first before it becomes a pliable tool in the hands of the Adept -- which is a major aspect of magick and mysticism. Crowley sometimes referred to this attainment as "insanity." In any event, Ruach has to be transcended before reaching what could be called the intuition, Neshama, (insert non-rational inclination here), etc. as Crowley would state time and time again.
3.) These beliefs that Crowley espoused about an "Act of Truth" was a demonstration that it didn't really matter how one chose to construct the method of the "suspension of disbelief," it is the results (the strength of belief in the reality of the related subjective perspective) that become what is "real" -- when one controls their own confirmation bias. Interesting in this letter that he talks about how difficult it is to construct an example of an experiment. The reason for this, I believe, especially with "results" magick, is that it is up to the practicitioner to devise their own way of Knowing, Willing, Daring, and Silence. They need to become their own Master, and not a slave to someone else's blueprint. Anyway, the recording of data seems to be the only way to show these results with certain accuracy -- to see how much the "odds were swayed" by a particular operation. The Magical Record of these experiments always helps to keep obsession and confirmation bias in check, as well as refining the* personal *technique, which I believe is an aspect of what he was encouraging.
I totally agree with you, I don't think he was senile here...I think he was a master of his mind. He could choose belief at will and write a convincing essay on it -- and it was Truth! He could combine any cause with any effect in his mind, because he knew that causality and reason were a lie in the realm of ideas. And I believe he used this Act as a measurement of Power. Maybe his student would eventually figure this one out...I think she did.
As far as the use of Truth, Crowley used Truth to refer to aspects of Neshama. So, this could be roughly called an Act of Neshama...the place where opposites are combined (in this case, a desired goal with a seemingly opposite action to achieve it) and the Ruach is transcended. He describes an Act that could be used to refine the method of transcending reason, and encourages the student to devise and execute their own experiments.
From Little Essays Towards Truth:
*Briefly, Truth is an idea of a supra-rational order, pertaining to Neschamah, not to Ruach. That all rational conceptions imply that we know Truth, and that Truth is in their propositions, only shows that these so-called rational ideas are not really rational at all...
...all the symbols are interchangeable, for each one containeth in itself its own opposite. And this is the great Mystery of the Supernals that are beyond the Abyss. For below the Abyss, contradiction is division; but above the Abyss, contradiction is Unity. And there could be nothing true except by virtue of the contradiction that is contained in itself... (From the Vision and the Voice)
Truth is our Path, and Truth is our Goal; ay! there shall came to all a moment of great Light when the Path is seen to be itself the Goal; and in that hour every one of us shall exclaim:
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life!"
Then shall ye understand what is Truth, for ye shall understand your Selves, and YE ARE TRUTH! *
As far as the use of Truth, Crowley used Truth to refer to aspects of Neshama. So, this could be roughly called an Act of Neshama...the place where opposites are combined (in this case, a desired goal with a seemingly opposite action to achieve it) and the Ruach is transcended. He describes an Act that could be used to refine the method of transcending reason, and encourages the student to devise and execute their own experiments.
From Little Essays Towards Truth:
Briefly, Truth is an idea of a supra-rational order, pertaining to Neschamah, not to Ruach. That all rational conceptions imply that we know Truth, and that Truth is in their propositions, only shows that these so-called rational ideas are not really rational at all...
...all the symbols are interchangeable, for each one containeth in itself its own opposite. And this is the great Mystery of the Supernals that are beyond the Abyss. For below the Abyss, contradiction is division; but above the Abyss, contradiction is Unity. And there could be nothing true except by virtue of the contradiction that is contained in itself... (From the Vision and the Voice)
Truth is our Path, and Truth is our Goal; ay! there shall came to all a moment of great Light when the Path is seen to be itself the Goal; and in that hour every one of us shall exclaim:
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life!"
Then shall ye understand what is Truth, for ye shall understand your Selves, and YE ARE TRUTH!
"I love this explanation of the title, it makes a lot of sense now. I have yet still to read this book, it is on my reading list (which is about a million titles). If this technique was meant to be put into practice I would imagine that the person must have complete control over their thought patterns, I would assume Liber III vel Jugorum would help with this as a necessary requisite. I would have loved to see the students letters printed along side Crowley's, much like Lon DuQuettes recent work "Ask Baba Lon". If we knew her thought pattern we would have more of an idea why Crowley is suggesting many things in magick without tears. Does anyone know if they can be found anywhere?
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