Hello all. I just bought The Magical & Mystical System of the A.:.A.:., 776&1/2 and Pearls of Wisdom. I figured I would join this forum for advice and further insights into my studies. I am at the student phase. I am 43 years old and am in a place in my life where I can begin the Great Work.
I am not new to Magick, Crowley or Thelema, as I spent my 30's reading and practicing the Golden Dawn type magic via Regardie books, and I read a lot of Crowley as well. During that time period I was also practicing Tibetan Buddhism. I have also been to a couple of EGC masses at my local OTO in Michigan.
I took a few years off exploring Asatru and reading a lot of Saga's, the Edda's and history books.
Then something clicked when my son asked for Magic (the blue brick) for Christmas this year. I bought it for him and started reading it and all of a sudden, the material made a lot more sense to me. I guess I needed to go through other life experiences first.
There is much more but I will just stick to why I am here now.
Welcome! (Oh, and thank you
Welcome !