Is this relevant to anyone?
Is this plausible, possible, and probable and can any one who can identify or understand this would be interesting to read response, like i have stated before i was a Thelemite before i ever knew what it was. But assume for a moment you are dealing with energy and you seek that subtle spot for the 'application' of your Will, and you through your determination and all those things that churn inside us and you determine a specific event to occur, before realizing intent later. Kind of like playing pool. That cue ball event that occurs that you predetermined would occur simply because the math and science determines it will, and that moment does occur...or am i thinking something incorrect?
Ignoring obvious breakdowns in grammar, I think what you're asking is is it possible for someone to observe something that validates previous "wishes" via thoughts that at the time didnt intend? Well yea, the brain is capable of composing a then and now. Is this phenomenon exclusive to paradigm of thelema? Absolutely not. IMO, what you're sensing is your brain trying to express to you that thought is equally a function of will as experience. The more you try to analyze that I think youll began to see will is dependent more so on psychological contendencies as opposed to logical and assumed truths.
Perhaps it is the language barrier, but you appear to be speaking of two different things...
@Joshua said
" But assume for a moment you are dealing with energy and you seek that subtle spot for the 'application' of your Will, and you through your determination and all those things that churn inside us and you determine a specific event to occur, before realizing intent later"
There is this, which seems to deal with intent unrecognized by the conscious mind.
This, I do not see being specific to Thelema.
Many times have I looked back and thought "that is exactly what needed to happen."@Barrackubus said
"That cue ball event that occurs that you predetermined would occur simply because the math and science determines it will, and that moment does occur...or am i thinking something incorrect?"
To me, this is something different - it is a recognition and realization of the various factors and making a projection.
Here, a grain of salt, some skepticism comes in handy.
Move forward, as if things shall occur this way, but be aware it does not have to -
Allowing you to be more dynamic and able to react if things do not occur as planned.
One of the worst things you can do, in my opinion, is roar about how a "fated occurance has not occurred" -What is written is the Will of the Lord and has been done, such is the nature of the Holy Testament (the "Magick Journal")
@Joshua said
"The more you try to analyze that I think youll began to see will is dependent more so on psychological contendencies as opposed to logical and assumed truths."
I would take this as an opportunity to further comment on maintaining a level of skepticism.
It is very easy to fall prey to psychological projections when you begin transmuting the past.
Keep to logic and truths, but do not bend them - consider how they should have occurred if the logic/truth was maintained.
Then attempt to derive whether or not there is an error in the system you have been using or a need to tweak for particular circumstances...A dirty example :
9/10 times you get the basketball in the hoop
One day - you only get 3/10 baskets -
Was there any different factors?
Oh, look... there is an ex-girlfriend.