Is gemetria irrelevant ?
I've been trying to learn as much as possible about the ToL lately without any sort of instruction. It's been useful trying to take English words and convert them to Hebraic values for sake of memorizing the letters, but is there really anything meaningful in doing so?
It seems Crowley and others have no difficulty finding endless patterns with the numbers but anyone can take a handful of words and almost indefinitely connect them one way or another.
I get that matching correct letters to paths is important but does it really matter that Cheth is 418 / aleph is 111 etc or are concepts about planets feelings etc more important?
Relevant/meaningful/important is, as a concept, inherently relative to the individual.
Many people find gematria very useful for unlocking nuggets of wisdom from their meditations, dreams, scryings, etc. Or, for example, when picking out a magical motto, to ensure that there is deep harmony of intent, down to the level of the gematria of the motto. Or, many as-yet-undiscovered uses...
I guess I tend to end up contemplating whether I'm searching for some sort of secular/omnipotent knowledge that would be accessible to all, or if I'm literally amplifying my own insanity in the sense that my mind is altering reality and I am utterly alone in my understandings.
@Joshua said
"I guess I tend to end up contemplating whether I'm searching for some sort of secular/omnipotent knowledge that would be accessible to all, or if I'm literally amplifying my own insanity in the sense that my mind is altering reality and I am utterly alone in my understandings."
@Joshua said
"I guess I tend to end up contemplating whether I'm searching for some sort of secular/omnipotent knowledge that would be accessible to all, or if I'm literally amplifying my own insanity in the sense that my mind is altering reality and I am utterly alone in my understandings."
That's what the Thelemic Keys are for. Without the Keys, it is pure chaos, and likely madness is the end result. Apply the Keys, and unseal the truth.
@Joshua said
"By keys you mean 93 , HADIT, NUIT, 418, 56 etc or is their a specific document you're referencing ?"
One of the most powerful arcana left by The Great Beast aside from the Holy Books is this Qabalistic Key. There are other Keys that are not there, but if you solve for these, you will find them.