What to do with used candles?
During my Pagan days I used to bury them, you could wrap it in silk and use it for a ritual of the same purpose. I would imagine a banishing ritual with the item uncovered would be fine, I believe in recycling.
I would be interested in other people's thoughts on the matter. My Pagan friend always used to give the advice do what feels right for you.
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Charged? "Dressed?" Dedicated magically to a particular use? Dispose of them in some special way. (But usually that just means let them burn all the way through!)
Not charged, just happened to be used in a ritual for light, flame, vital force? Just throw them away. They're just candles. Nothing more distinctive about them than the air you were breathing during the ritual.
Very special occasion (such as an important initiation)? Save them and melt them down later to make a pantacle etc.