Noctua Tenebrosus (John)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Good evening, all. My name is John, and I am a long-time eclectic student & practitioner. I don't wish to be long-winded or tedious, except to say that I finally acquired Mr. Eshelman's hardcover A∴ A∴ book, which prompted me to finally take the plunge after years of deliberation.
Previously, I was fortunate enough to have been raised to the 3° in the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry, as well as having the honor of becoming a Minerval in the O.T.O. here in Houston, Texas.
I look forward to reading, learning, meeting like-minded people, and asking questions here. Thanks for having me!
Love is the law, love under Will.
Welcome, John.
Welcome !